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Everything posted by s05aa

  1. Soon I will be there with you. And I wont be leaving then anymore

  2. Forever there for you. Whenever you need me and for whatever reason

    1. Lisa
    2. Wolf


      Awhhh you two so cuteee :D

  3. Still holding the: You where able to knife Linda award
  4. Freaking idiots getting into a fight. Now I have a sore yaw from holding 2 idiot away from each other... F*@$k this, im to bed

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. s05aa


      yea haha, just little Sore, thats all. Nothing else :D

    3. Jesus


      next time use a pistol :D

    4. MOoN
  5. Driftin on the happiness caused by your love.

  6. First night with a decent amount of sleep.

    1. Schwiizer Käse

      Schwiizer Käse

      Funny, I read that as "sheep".

  7. I just wished that we had the power to forget. Not think about it again so that it never could make us feel like this again. I just wished I could forget it, to let it go. But I cant...

    1. Temptin


      deep sounding stuff o.o

    2. Charlie


      Beer helps with that sosa

  8. Love is like water. We can fall in it, we can drown it it, but we can't live without it.

  9. Only you can make me feel this way

  10. impi :DDDD<33333333
  11. If your friend is brave enough to disrespect you once then you better believe he will be brave enough to do it again. Cant understand these people, especially these so called friends. They'd better stay away from me...

    1. Charlie
    2. miraro3


      I know the feeling bro.

    3. Lisa


      It will not happen again baby, u know that :O

  12. Only happy thoughts. Thank you :)

    1. Charlie


      Nothing says happy like this

    2. s05aa


      Lol nice one charlie xD

  13. Sometimes hard decisions need to be made

    1. Temptin


      That's the truth, hardest one I have ever made was yesterday hope everything is ok with you <3

  14. Life is full of surprises. The best way is to let it come at you

    1. Stumpel


      Yeah get parking fines 60€ xD

    2. MiniMuppet
  15. had the same until eventually i was playin with 5fps. I did the next things which really helped. Turn off running background applications which you dont need. If you are running win7 or xp, turn off all the fancy stuff for you desktop. So eventually ur pc will look like window 97. Then clean up your registry and defragmentation of your harddrive aint a bad idea either Now i have stable 125 again.
  16. Time to work again. I <3 cooking :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jesus


      that would be awesome :D

    3. Temptin


      Charlie idea of cooking is microwave chicken thingys... LOL good thing i loveee to cook.. ;)

    4. s05aa


      lol xD Thank god Charlie have you then :D

  17. Nicely hung over from last night ^^

  18. sleep -> college -> gym -> ET/assignments [Press to repeat]

  19. sleep -> college -> gym -> ET/assignments [Press to repeat]

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