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Everything posted by s05aa

  1. Not knowing if people are playing this game but since not that long ago I have created a platoon page which is linked to our site. For the new visitors a point of recognizion when getting here and for the others a heads up that we are also active in Battlefield 3 (and 4 when released). With some promotion comes a little video (turn on to minimal 720p), enjoy!
  2. Yeah was waiting for the server IP
  3. First TMcup match which will be broadcasted by gamestv.org will be the game between Team Bartmen vs Corona. Will this game be onesided or are we all in for a surprise?!? Do you want to spectate the game, DONT join the server but connect to This is the official vieuwers channel in which 150 players can come and spectate without bothering ingame.
  4. All the events are free for everyone to join the more the marrier and as destroy mentioned I will be posting them everyone on trackbase to get a higher reach in persons who will be interested
  5. instal 2.6 first before installing 2.6b
  6. working on it Domi
  7. the demo is just for ben to make sure that the scores are correct, so just record your own game session and that will do
  8. the most practical day is a sunday. since fridays and saturdays people like to do stuff with friends or booze elsewhere. Also the ET activity on a sunday is higher than a saturday. Advertised on tb mainpage: http://et.trackbase.net/news/209/Team-Muppet-Vietnam-BoozeNight.html
  9. send the event to tb for homepage positioning.
  10. s05aa


    +1 lol'ed OT: Lagged like hell last night on pub. Not just me, but Muse, Jolly Jumper and some others where mentioning this.
  11. Voted STOMP a mole Event!!!
  12. mini mr check inbox
  13. Failtard
  14. Muppets, go play LoL :D

  15. Been little down, so wont play much. Long story short, Granny died. See you on when I see you

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JoeCool


      Deepest condolences. Hope you return a new fortified man.

    3. MiniMuppet


      sorry for you lose cya around soon :(

    4. Macka


      My condolences. Hopefully see you soon

  16. Jesus it is time for you to add goats to your interests my son

    1. Andy


      Shouldn't it be like:

      "F-a-a-a-t-t-hh-h-h-h-he-r-r-r, it's time to introduce the world your miraculous goat farm and it's little cute residents". xD

    2. Jesus


      lol just saw this status now ahahaha

  17. Just a thought about you makes my creativity expand

  18. Lisa and me vote yes
  19. Sorry for ragequiting the server guys, but duty called upstairs :$

  20. All you have to do is close your eyes and just reach out your hands and touch me. Hold me close don't ever let me go, Loveyou hun xLisa

  21. If dreams could be reality

    1. Wolf


      You wouldn't want my dreams to become a reality some crazy shit would be happening xD

    2. Charlie
  22. Dont like cheaters and tbh I dont feel sorry for them at all. You made it this way yourself. Sticking to what Blond1e said.
  23. Soon I will be there with you. And I wont be leaving then anymore

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