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Everything posted by s05aa

  1. might see me more upcoming week :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolf


      Bout time fuggut

    3. StaR


      finally you're back

    4. naz


      woop woop

      hows the singing goin?!

  2. Just came by to say I'm still alive. Miss you all and hope to be more active on this soon. XO

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrMuppet


      Hi mate, hope everything is good?

    3. VeryDead
    4. BladeWarrioR


      we await for the fucktard's return !

  3. Just got the word that I am accepted for my internship at The Voice!! From upcoming monday, a new chapter will start, which will mean even less activity. Ty all for the luck wishes <3

  4. lmfao!! 6
  5. Internship job interview at The Voice of Holland tomorrow. Wish me luck!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. StaR


      good luck sexy pants , Ill wait for you in bed when you come back

    3. MiniMuppet
    4. Slarty


      How did it go?

  6. http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefront.com/files/Wolfenstein_Enemy_Territory/Maps/Death_Match;2658 should have some good one in it

  8. wanted to join, but since I already have shitloads of stuff to do I wont be finding the time to participate Only got 2/3days off a week in which I still have to do 2 video projects and my search for an internship
  9. s05aa

    hoi hoi

    Hehe playing ARAM mostly as well
  10. s05aa

    hoi hoi

    ncie intro punky welcome join tomo wolf domi VD loki gaunt me and some others on LoL sometime
  11. s05aa

    Etpro Grand Opening

  12. s05aa

    Etpro Grand Opening

    watch out for my ownage
  13. Is chat down? Tomo wanna get on it :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. naz
    3. MrMuppet


      Fixed, got the details off of my phone.

    4. s05aa


      ty Mister, you made Tomo a happy man again :)

  14. Lets drink that together shall we Nice application Varya, welcome
  15. This song aint about Jesus, but it is about Dirty Darek!! Dirty Dareeek!! Ditry Daaarrreeeeekkk!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StaR


      nooo this was from our drunk hide n seek event we did on the spot . And I think I wrote that song

    3. s05aa


      can someone give me a script for TS so that it instantly records as soon as Star joins? :D <3 #nohomo

    4. StaR
  16. hi and welcome enjoy your stay and come visit chat some times
  17. Think that the reds one will be sufficient. Since that is the extended one.
  18. Start downloading already ten Little pig
  19. I have added it to Trackbase and Splatterladder
  20. Every single time I have to work on sundays so I cant make the events. Now that I am off on sunday I need to work on Saturday
  21. countdown: 1h25 min until BF4 excl beta!

  22. could you sent me the img link when poster is ready?
  23. TeamMuppet Battlefield 3 server is up and running. Feel free to join the server at any time. Hardcore gaming with Fast Vehicle respawn and 200% tickets. Like our server and please share it in your feed Battlelog link: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/servers/show/pc/ebd61b30-8e97-4dff-bf84-14cd37fff74b/TeamMuppet-Hardcore-Fast-Vehicle-Respawn-200-Tickets/
  24. Shame we dont have one. Wouldnt mind being on there a lot/noliving. Even thinking of setting up one myself. Well BF4 released in two weeks for bèta so will be busy with that a lot. Cant wait
  25. Ty guys euhm.. well think about 4 hours to get it all done. Thats without the 8hours of gaming which i needed to get good footage (not perfect footage tho)
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