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kensta last won the day on February 17 2022

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  1. https://www.google.com/search?q=toy+story+map+enemy+territory&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=APq-WBuBuX1fOvErpAE6_7hTFjIgjs5snw:1645481452033&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&vet=1&fir=M0UTkPsoPr_kQM%2C7rtHqV3NEk7nkM%2C_%3BNcG2j_UxN-BAnM%2CAMadp8FTeiUnFM%2C_%3BGcX4fSjSQV2JNM%2CitBrLms2lZMeWM%2C_%3B8Z8LJI_GTDQ4SM%2CEm4NczKojOWgUM%2C_%3BuXoPzQ4Rt9UOcM%2COn9BdTdqeYc05M%2C_%3BbzcViYogLhjfhM%2CnTX1HjnNRIMUZM%2C_%3Buv82tL7PX8NsRM%2CtAPqTnf1eMhQcM%2C_%3BU3TfF5RXfDRlAM%2CpzfWiedBpaEyXM%2C_%3BXsD68UDmy6EudM%2CnEqCDlChn-bQAM%2C_%3BRxUDz9oTYBn_0M%2CitBrLms2lZMeWM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kQ1jbJNSuTTfuJQkT3wszM6Gy72tg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjE9LqL6JH2AhWyQEEAHd2EBo8Q9QF6BAgEEAE#imgrc=M0UTkPsoPr_kQM&imgdii=bn6klOtIZKZEBM this toy story map i keep going on about lol its called cortex i think these SS's are the map im sure you guys have played it at one point over the years it would also be especially awesome for your hide n seek event too , gg's tonight. its the first image in this link via google images.
  2. Sounds awesome as long as someones shooting
  3. no shooting? is it a spin off from a roblox game ? never played this but interested if it is i reccomend the toy story map .. do i just turn up ?
  4. heyheyy thanks for the welcome dude you may of played in my server possibly back in the day or vice versa -[InF]- Warzone anyhow see u in game im already progressing slowly lol.
  5. https://forum.splatterladder.eu/index.php?s=54d8ff8b1cb499654bd25c73462565b3&&showuser=33462
  6. awesome work as usual! u people are amazing! , have u done the math on the price of hosting this site/forums locally at home vs online the same with hosting games but i expect u do that locally as u have so many u are wonderful never ever have i heard anything bad or bitching about TM in all these yrs ! reminds me of the clan im in on delta force ..oldskool/loyal / community happy new yr i find it funny people say the game is dead when its CLEARLY not try any other game from same era they really are dead with like 2 servers 0 players lololololol
  7. im back again 3rd time lucky just was wondering do u guys use TS still as i have not seen anyone in the chanells on discord? i mainly use TS myself and remember joining u guys on there to i thought i would ask as i still see it on your website im so noob this time round it will be so much easier forgetting V for a bit and just using my voice also another question should i do a cfg or just wait untill i get better then start tweeking things as i did not remember that at all! i just remembered this game last yr as im more of a delta force person ..see you on the battlefield people
  8. Thanks mrmuppet thats deffently a name i remember from bk in the day! just downloaded the legacy version and it works! thank you so much im hopefully bringing a squad over as task force elite isnt really a touch on delta force lol check it on steam your c lol. look fwd to killing u or being killed by u's
  9. Hi all hope everyone is well its been some yrs since ive been here hopefully looking to bring some friends into the game from Delta Force. My problem is when i load past awaiting gamestate my game goes strange like bright yellow and a box getting smaller i assume its to do with my gpu? what settings should i change to get this game to run on my windows 11 with a 1060?
  10. Hey guys thanks so much on the warm welcome back do ya'll have a server without Bots? and mr n minimuppet ive met you before lol! even had a decent lvl in server like admin as i was leader of -[iNF]- back in the day anyhows its nice to be back!
  11. Hi i used to play in your servers a few years back under the alias of "Kensta" my name was red and probaly baby blue im not sure who remembers me and who i remember but ill cya in server and yes my new name was supposed to be Deltaforce1 not eltaforce1 but owell ill have to earn the D i guess LOL...... Looking forward to getting killed and killing ya'll cya out there Also i was leader of -[iNF]- 4years ago our tags was red n white.
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