*Why I should save my ETKey? - If you have admin levels and you loose your ETKey, you will also loose your admin levels, XP etc. *Where I can find my ETkey? - Windows XP/Vista: C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain. (Not sure about Vista. Never use it.) - Windows 7: C:\Users\YOUR USER\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\ET\etmain 'You have to see hidden folders to go in etmain folder at windows 7' *How I can see 'Hidden Folders'? - Go Control Panel -> Folder Options -> View -> There you can see 'Hidden files and folders', press it and choose 'Show hidden files, folders, and drivers. *Where I should put my ETKey? - You can put it in your desktop. Also you can put it in USB stick, CD, DVD etc. If you computer crash and you have to reinstall windows, you still have your ETKey. When you have reinstall Enemy Territory you can put your ETKey in same folder where you take it. Now you have your levels again.