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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. So I woke up this morning to find an intruder in my house. Chased him out with a butcher knife, only to find he took the house + car keys. After giving an hour long statement to police they found the car miles away near St James' Park, but not him. Guess I need to keep watch for a few nights until locks can be changed. If I wasn't here idk what my little sister would have done. Hope the prick is found. Rawr!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. *BULLET*


      Ho man, that's realy f***** bad way to wakeup! Keep this knife under your pillow.Protect yr family!

    3. Temptin


      Holy crap!!! Glad you were there to take care of your sister! Glad your ok, that is some freak scary stuff O.O

    4. Darek


      You reacted correctly. Hope everything's ok, it should be with you around :)

  2. That's ... a lot of servers ... Nice image. Unless they're being transferred? PS. Where's Jaymod!! and Silent
  3. Charlie

    Reporting lag

    There's a time and place to do it, not when someone is in need of help. There was a few complaints of high ping and latency last night.
  4. Charlie


    Thanks, I'll try everything tomorrow when the maps come on.
  5. Charlie


    During some snow maps, like Fueldump and I think Ice, the snow is so bright to the point I can't play any more. It stands out like a sore thumb compared to everything else, but maps like Frostbite are perfectly fine. Is there something I can do to make the snow less saturated without effecting overall brightness?
  6. I like a bit of domination.
  7. Hello, I'm Charlie. And I have a problem
  8. Team 5 sticks out. I bet 10 TM pounds on them!
  9. Charlie


    A woman asking where something is in the kitchen? I feel the burn already But seriously, I couldn't find it either.
  10. But ... no-one is complaining about whatever you're referring to here. Heck, nobody is complaining about the topic at hand. This is just people posting their opinions which they are entitled to. Reread the topic and quit posting for the sake of it
  11. Mortar is near impossible to use on that map when axis defend the bottom too. Oh well, I'll have to find a new way to amuse myself
  12. Aww, that's what made the map fun again for me. <3 reactions But by that logic, rnades and nades and panza should be removes because you can do the same through that gap in the window.
  13. Did it get removed? If so, why? I would have put it in Pub section but it's all for suggestions.
  14. Charlie

    Oopsie config

    Eh, I'll just go back to the ET default one. Started hurting my head playing lol. I looked up starhax.com ... I take it your involved in the strip poker business too Star?
  15. Charlie

    Oopsie config

    So I've been dicking around with my config thingy and I messed up my brightness. I've tried using the slider in-game, I've tried lowering r_overbrightbits; r_mapoverbrightbits; r_gamma and r_intensity and it just stays the same. Everything else I change takes effect like new binds and a different aim dot colour thing. I've did /exec and /vid_restarts after the changes and trying 4 or 5 times. I've changed all the above to the same very low numbers in etmain and etmain profile, in etpub profile. Basically anywhere I see etconfig heh. I'm also running slower -.- I didn't change this muuuuuuuuch. I thought moving speed was forced server-side :/ I never learn, every time I mess about with it I break something I dunno how to fix
  16. Gotta love finishing work at dinner time :) Time to nerd-up in ET!

    1. StaR
    2. Towelie


      30 mins to go for me then its dinner and ET :- )

  17. Saturday at 6pm! Gives enough time for more people to test more maps. Sunday night is just crap for this type of event
  18. No 'Nam themed maps? Or Pred mode?
  19. Starting to think you need to see someone about your obsession
  20. Nevermind, just saw it for the first time in like 7 hours
  21. Why'd Cluedo get removed in place of Ice?
  22. A massive lag spike and a new map later, my usual ping of 40-50 has shot down to 10-20 O.O I bow to thee almighty internet god thank you <3

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