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Posts posted by Charlie

  1. Nominations for the most gibberish post goes to ................................................... Nutzy in "Happy to leave TM you *******"



    This just half an idea I had though. Would be nice to make the award given special and stand our for someone. Like a custom forum title would work, but isn't special as it's widely available and changable by everyone. Or a special colour/group ... but we'd have a million groups then xD Need help moulding the idea in to something fun, something that highlights for example, Charlie being TM's squishiest player. Idk.

  2. I had this idea the other day and I figure I'd post it :D


    We should have like a TM awards night every so often. Where the higher admins or a special guy gives out awards ranging from like "Biggest Cryer", "Biggest Bullshitter" "Best look-a-like", to "Highest Rater", "Hardest Worker", "Most dedicated" etc.


    Try get people in to TS, and maybe gather on 1 server and have a fun filled night of whatever while it's going on.


    It would have been good to have a special forum title for them or something ... but that powers already given to average joe. I'm just throwing my idea out there for brainstorming :D Comment away, give suggestions, tell me where to go, whatever xD This isn't even a spark in a light bulb yet :D

  3. After customising resolution you need to do /vid_restart

    Tried that. I lose my minimiser and it resets every time I load up a new client. Hence pointless having my minimiser which I find very helpful being a recruiter.

    I'll link the countless etconfig things I have I guess then o.o

    autoexec.cfg << my autoexec.cfg in the etmain folder

    etconfig.cfg << my etconfig.cfg in the etmain/profile folder

    etconfig.cfg << my etconfig.cfg in the Jaymod/profile folder

    I'll just post these 3, all I care about atm is Jaymod.

  4. Well I suggested it as a joke "Let's have a baserace server with desert, then winter, then normal on it" ... I highly doubt this would work, and would actually be a waste of money for whoever provides it lol.

    But that's up to you guys, I love baserace on Jaymod but I would never play a server with only that.

  5. Ok so today I was just chatting away with people on Jaymod and resolutions come up. I always used 800 x 600 in game since Charlie was born, so decided to try something better. Best my laptop will allow is 1024 x 768, any higher I get some OpenGL error. But for the life of me I can't get it to stay on that resolution. I've tried editing it in the setting on the main main and on the server.

    I've also tried editing/adding r_mode "-1" / r_customheight "768" / r_customwidth "1024" in my config but it still doesn't work.

    When I went in to my configs, well ... *mind explodes* I have an autoexec.cfg which I made a while back inside etmain, and thought I was using, now I'm not so sure. I also have a different etconfig.cfg for every server profile including etmain on top of the autoexec.cfg.

    I saved them elsewhere and edited and deleted things, trying to make sense of it all and lost all in game information on me (I turned in to ETPlayer, with no configs, guid, levels etc etc)

    All I want is a better resolution to play with, but there's thousands of lines of configs and stuff I'm scared of losing my stuff for good xD Can anyone help me out in this? :s

    I use Win7 64 bit if that's needed o.o

  6. Yes thanks a lot for this event. With 1 or 2 changes like blinding allies for 20 secs to give axis time to hide etc, it will be perfect. Once allies were allowed to gib axis, it got really fun and tense when someone was one of the last alive :D

    One of best events we've had thus far <3

    I wish I could move like VD or Toni my god xD

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