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Status Updates posted by Charlie

  1. So ... My dad and his girlfriend are landlords for a 3 bedroom house. All is fine and dandy for 6 months. Then we get a phonecall from the police saying they raided the property and found over £40,000 worth of cannabis trees growing in every single room. Well, 1 week later and due to the incompetence of the English police, we now have 2 full black bin bags of cannabis leaves and buds, along with 3 tonnes of compost with parts of the plant in it. Party anyone? :D lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MOoN


      HAHA xD time to make some moneyyyyyyy !

    3. Stardog


      wow peace and love

    4. GreenMan


      I`ll picked it all anytime mate , did they weight it like ??

  2. So I woke up this morning to find an intruder in my house. Chased him out with a butcher knife, only to find he took the house + car keys. After giving an hour long statement to police they found the car miles away near St James' Park, but not him. Guess I need to keep watch for a few nights until locks can be changed. If I wasn't here idk what my little sister would have done. Hope the prick is found. Rawr!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. *BULLET*


      Ho man, that's realy f***** bad way to wakeup! Keep this knife under your pillow.Protect yr family!

    3. Temptin


      Holy crap!!! Glad you were there to take care of your sister! Glad your ok, that is some freak scary stuff O.O

    4. Darek


      You reacted correctly. Hope everything's ok, it should be with you around :)

  3. Solar eclipse!

    1. MOoN


      I ATE THE SUN ! and puked it out. will do the same in 2080 I think 8)

    2. StaR


      lel I was just watching B)

  4. Spent 2 days off work all sick and horrible. Gunna have to claw my way in tomorrow. God help me >.<

    1. GreatDanton


      that's what you got for running around in panties :D

  5. Success is not something you run after, but something you attract by the person you become

    1. Slarty


      I don't know, does not marathon runners run for success? :P

  6. The ... sun ... so ... hot ....

  7. Today was the day TM was founded? It's Mr's 5 year anniversary on the forums :O

    1. MrMuppet


      No, this is the day we re-built the forums and moved to phpBB before converting to IPBoard a few years ago.

    2. Macka


      Bit of an anti-climax but happy sub-anniversay anyway!

    3. MOoN
  8. Toon Toon Black and White Army!

  9. Toon toon black and white army. Buzzing :P

  10. Toon vs Mackems .... bank holiday weekend ... afternoon kickoff ... no police escorts ... let the fighting commence!

  11. Updating Member list / inactive list / TrackBase / Splatterladder ........ *dies*

  12. Viewed your profile Mud <3 :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Charlie


      Let's get Mud some profile views!

    3. GreatDanton


      Yeah, was wondering what's so special on his profile.

    4. DiNg


      Not clicking sorry

  13. waca waca waca waca waca waca

  14. Waking up is the second hardest thing in the morning .........

  15. Warning: require_once(/www/sites/90c/880/www.teammuppet.eu/web/home/mobiquo/lib/class_push.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/sites/90c/880/www.teammuppet.eu/web/home/admin/sources/base/core.php on line 1151 Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/www/sites/90c/880/www.teammuppet.eu/web/home/mobiquo/lib/class_push.php' (include_path='/www/sites/90c/880/www.teammuppet.eu/web/home/ips_kernel/PEAR/...

  16. Watching the US Open makes me realise how shit I am at golf

    1. Slarty


      I'm dam good at it...on Masters at least hehe. The only tournament I won on that game, was one of the Open ones. Other then that, I got a 8th position as best :D

  17. We need a karaoke night

  18. We need a karaoke night

    1. StaR


      ya ok. Like anyone besides me is gnna sing <_<

    2. Macka


      Only if Canni leads with a song

  19. When did these forum get so boringggggg, I need a fun TM fix without internet :(

  20. With the Baserace server overtaking the Silent servers ranking, can it push 2 places and overtale Jaymod to become TM's secondary server? Only time ... will tell!

  21. Woohoo, long weekend! Not back to work until Tuesday!!! :beer::D

  22. You know you play ET too much when you start dreaming about it ...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jaden


      had that 1 time too....quiet creepy.

      dreamed that im a axis cops ...

    3. Charlie


      i drempt there was 50 people on jaymod, and i was kicking ass so so much

    4. Temptin


      I feel so loved dreaming of et and not me :'(

  23. "Venom is now following you" That popup is the things nightmares are made of D:

    1. VenoM


      hahaha! :D I thought you would like that :<

  24. £110 per month Poll Tax. And for what? Every road within half a mile of my house is closed by the police because the drains can't handle a light bit of rain. I live about 50 feet above any flood plain or water. Newcastle it doesn't matter but if this was in London it would make the 10 o'clock news and we'd never hear the end of it.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. miraro3


      Yeah it's gone quiet about Brexit :D I'm sure they are currently negotiating what the brexit actually means for the UK and the EU. I'm thinking about open-border policies and free-trading for example. All in all I don't think any of the 'normal' people who live in the UK really feel any difference between now and pre-brexit.

    3. Macka


      There is no precedent to follow and very little thought as to the procedure of exiting the bloc because nobody thought it would ever happen. This will take time and the UK has to get it right.

    4. miraro3


      It will be a hard time for the people who have to deal with it and we will probably only hear the media about it when the mass opinion needs to be influenced to either be against EU (UK media) or vice verca for EU media. No news is the best new :D

  25. After a hard days work, "let's go to the pub!". Awesome. But no, my friend just got her first car so we drove back to hers instead. I somehow got roped in to doing 2 hours of gardening to uncover a driveway that nature had reclaimed. I don't understand life.

    1. Slarty


      Friendzone level 99 hehe

    2. Towelie


      What Slarty said. I mean, really?

      I don't have the details to make a balanced judgement, but from the portrayed context it seems like a female friend used you for performing a chore. Did she send you away right after you were done?

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