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oliveira pt

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oliveira pt last won the day on September 8 2022

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About oliveira pt

  • Birthday 09/22/1982

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  1. today i come to enter your beg and found this one hope im wrong but he kills everyone 2023-06-24-181730-sp_delivery_te.dm_84
  2. witch server you play
  3. i just passing by to say hello for those who remember me and for those who dont hope all off you r ok see ya
  4. sense this is a major problem what about clan friends have the put team comand to help balance teams just an idea
  5. done that but how can exec my confgs is it the same way open console /exec bla bla bla if it is how can i open console on this mode ths
  6. sense i like to visit your beg server from time to time it seem i have to enter using et legacy icon my question is how can i execute my configs there ths for the help
  7. merry xmas
  8. oliveira pt

    xp lost lol

    once again i lost my xp i save my et key and reinstall et put back my et key and im lost my xp only on your server why
  9. well i played a lot against unit cla back in the days so i know how good they r and how they hate hackers so was impossibel you to be banned nice to know the face of my enemy on server see ya
  10. is very active so far and barely folow the rules this is good enough for me
  11. welcome to our foruns ths for the long list but we have to reduce that a bit if you like to see some of this maps feel free so do so
  12. try them all and still nothing change cant kill a bot im trying to buy a new mouse to see if the problem is from this old mouse
  13. dont worry we have time
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