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Everything posted by RASHOMON

  1. Hey guys I'm interested in participating in the event (even though I cannot confirm it yet) but I'm not sure I understood the format very well: Five maps. Every man for himself randomly spawning somewhere. Be the last man standing. Five maps to determine five people for the final. Then a final map with these five people and the last man standing wins it all. Is that it?
  2. The real SimonKinsler used to be a fair admin on crossfire.nu and a mature guy (even though I don't like him), it would be very weird to find him guilty. My 2 cents, didn't really follow the whole story and I'm quite nubish when it comes to pbbans, ip stuff, etc.
  3. I'll be on chat this evening :>
  4. Jesus, you can make a config.cfg that you put in your etmain folder named for instance tmjaymod.cfg and you put in it : connect ip.ip.ip.ip:ip (with the ip of the jaymod server obviously) and just type in console while you are in the main menu: /exec tmjaymod and it directs you to it. Same for pub (of course, a main menu popup is easier but if you wanna switch from one to another while in game, you can use this method to be faster!
  5. Hey buddy, welcome on forum! Looking forward to see you applying
  6. The problem comes from the initial kick: do you know why you were kicked for? ETPub issues random crashes sometimes I don't know if the same goes for jaymod. Anyway, I think that when you were first kicked, a part of you was still on the server () so when you tried to connect again it said Duplicate guid because the game detected that you were already/still on the server and prevented you from joining.
  7. Played it with Feath it was great!! Definitely event-able!
  8. If you need ANY help regarding config possibilities, issues, improvements, special tips, PM me here or add me on xfire (realmadrid77). I'm always up to help cfg virgins
  9. Delete pk3 files in your etmain and etpub folder that are not map files and default files (i.e modified date is 2006 or something) and files of 1ko or sizes like this.
  10. Gibbing won't be allowed or won't be possible (technically)?
  11. Welcome in man!
  12. Really nice!! Keep the good job! Can't believe two NQ servers are monopolizing second and third place tho!
  13. Nice idea! If you don't give the Biggest cryer award, I'll... cry On the etpro community website (crossfire), there are such awards, concerning both activity on site and in-game skills and it's always great fun. There is even a retard of the year award and the winner gets a 1 month website ban
  14. Merry xmas to all of you guys!

    My config

    Domi delivering:)
  16. Definitely avi!! but not on desert version if possible. sniper avi.

    Hide 'n' seek event

    Great event, I joined at the end but it was still pretty much fun! Like it has been said, blinding allies for 30 seconds should be implemented. Also, I played several h&s before and gibbing wasn't possible. I don't know what's best, following the last person alive is thrilling but reviving could force seekers not to run around like newps and be strategical instead: staying around a group of dead bodies that an axis would try to revive, etc. This needs coordination (i.e TS) and we were only 3 or 4 on ts whereas in previous events, there was almost everyone on at the time. I hope more people will be on ts next time, could be funny!
  18. Thought Pro* was clean. haha bullshit I hope your mates will no longer be welcome on TM servers!
  19. There is a map called ae_sniper_challenge (it's on the server) which is the basic and best ET sniper map but it could be nice if we could have the ae_sniper_challenge (shadow_remix) map on because it includes duel rooms where it can be fun if there are a lot of players. Also, I think adding double jump could be nice, even tho it's not mandatory, it's better for noobs who get killed too often so they can go to a spot more quickly! (and it's better for jump shots ) e: should be here : http://www.wolffiles.de/index.php?filebase&fid=4076
  20. Ah yeah, actually I played on it two or three times will check 'em with care!
  21. Do you need any specific help about sniper event? Like maps, specific settings (tho I can't think of many ones atm)? Let me know here and I'll try to come by on chat!
  22. Looks nice I'll try to be there
  23. Nice achievement guys! Keep up the good work, too bad real life commitments prevent me from playing on the servs
  24. Fuck Apple.
  25. Make sure you enabled punkbuster before you play.
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