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Everything posted by RASHOMON

  1. My aim is shit but you cannot prevent me from doing the obj.
  2. Do as I told you to do.
  3. Couldn't find anything wrong maybe it has to do with r_settings but they should just adjust themselves to the server. Haven't paid too much attention about scripts but there's maybe one which is not correctly written and which could infinitely exec itself (loop exec) causing your game to crash. What I suggest you is to cut your cfg into parts : instead of your whole cfg, exec a cfg with 1/4 of your settings (or maybe less, depends on your courage ), connect and see if the game crashes. Repeat with all necessary parts until you find what part is problematic and then you can look more specifically into it till you find what could cause the crash.
  4. I'm halfway to the top!

    Missing Files

    Pff Add it in your cfg, quit the game, relaunch everything, it might work. And yes, add the other setting that Mabrun wrote

    Missing Files

    cl_allowdownload 1?
  7. Are these mods any good?

    ETpub 1.0.0

    Should be okay for me.
  9. You didn't lose them! If you reconnect with pb on, you should have them back. It happens to me eveeryday, I just turn pb on and when I reconnect everything is back up!
  10. When last connected with TZAC, is disables pb you must re enable it
  11. Rofl true that
  12. Watching tennis all day long during two weeks is surely one of the greatest periods of the year :)

    1. MOoN


      some of them have weird screams xD



    Is it not a server-side problem??
  14. Provide us with all the settings you've changed. Also what Stumpel said : make sure punkbuster is enabled.
  15. Your cfg name : autoexec.cfg so it...autoexecs when game launches. Also what said Oliveira : bind it on any key and it will be easier
  16. make sure you have a high value for cg_teamchatheight... The answer is in cg_commands for sure, try 'em all

    Grey Screen

    Go in etmain/videos and delete etintro.roq and try again!


    lmao Playing eXe could be a nice challenge, I heard of Kwizlord, quite skilled guy iirc, let's arrange this!
  19. Heeee man, <3 Looking forward to see you playing hardcore on the serv ! Edit: dubstep? Die in a carfire...
  20. Nice! Stick the ip somewhere
  21. Thx!
  22. Can you shortly explain what's a dedibox or the dedibox?
  23. Run as admin yes
  24. He jests at scars that never felt a wound

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