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Everything posted by MadF.Lame

  1. oh wow, I still have account here.
    Hey peeps :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xantippa


      Hi, How are you ?


    3. Matu


      heh,im fine.waiting you in server;)


    4. miraro3


      Aye, some things never change

  2. How do I drive this new chat?
    bought a house, takes a lot of my time.
    Sry I was away <3
    Also Hi

  3. meh, kinda busy this year
  4. wad

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. wwebe


      u aint got no space here anymore


    3. Stumpel


      Wanna some link again..? Errhmmm as usual, did I put it or nor you wouldnt open it anyways.. So I dont put..

    4. MiniMuppet


      Hi maddy hope all is well :)

  5. Beeeer... o_o
  6. History of muppets in WF or in General? atleast the WF topic is having some action in it..
  7. The Storm is coming o_O

    1. Gaunt


      ...and the rain will kill us aaaaaall...

      If we throw ourselves against the waaaaaall.... D:

    2. Jesus


      good luck, we already got our first snow storm <_<

    3. Slarty


      There are places up in northern Norway, where I come from, that already has had -25c hehe

  8. too bad I suck at pacman and solitaire.. gonna give my try tho
  9. dont have the original file, nor Photoshop anymore. :/
  10. Damn I've almost had forgotten that.. nostalgia punch to the face!
  11. Missing my PC :'c <3

    1. StrikerOwner_NL
    2. MadF.Lame


      it's in parts D: will know more today. >:3

    3. *Watermelon*


      still no new pc? D:

  12. No, I'm not dead, I just bought Skyrim D:

  13. still waiting, sent an e-mail to their customer support telling what's been happening, still waiting for response from them..

  14. I'm Finally free from Shackles of Defence Forces! I'amz BACK!

  15. T-Mouse has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?

  16. Haha thanks guys, I'm on my laptop atm on army with wireless modem. bit buggy but finally got here. tomorrow I'll be back home at evening so I'll have more time to spend with guys
  17. aww someone remembers me ^^ bai baiz :/
  18. april fools..? oh wait nvm..
  19. [quote name=<=TM=>Donald] puppet puppet... puppet........ PUPPET?! Raaa!
  20. i'ma Link this for him B-DAYS DARKY!
  21. o hai thar! but yea, even tho I rarely play anymore, I play to have some fun, usually that's with mouse going ''WANNAPLAYAGAEM?!'' and yea.... And when u've seen me playing, I play without the tags, and I think I don't need them, just 'coz I haven't been so active to call myself a admin/mod on server but I do check forums everyday. I wont do anything before I've checked the forums FIRST. I still am part of the Clan now am I? so I wanna do atleast something for it, even if it's just checking what's happening around.
  22. I'm Finny
  23. Thanks. bit over excited with the title miraro?
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