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Everything posted by Lisa

  1. Music is what feelings sound like <3

    1. MOoN
    2. Stumpel


      ok I feel this now...

  2. ''Getting kicked in the balls is the worst'' Try having your vagina bleed one week out of every month for the next 45 years. Pussy.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Lisa


      oh yea, and after that, than starts the worst: The transition.

    3. Schwiizer Käse

      Schwiizer Käse

      Being a man is admitting something hurts. checkmate ;]

    4. Jesus
  3. You probably don't know that everytime u write me, i am like OMG OMG OMG YEEEEESSS OHYESOHYESOHYES HE WRITED ME YEAAAAAH THANKYOU THANKYOU

  4. I wish that you were here or i were there or we were together anywhere.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Schwiizer Käse

      Schwiizer Käse

      If only we could jump back in time

    3. MOoN


      and lose all the memories who contributed to your selfbuilding ?

      naaaaaa ^^

    4. Lisa


      hahaha yea would be great to just jump to wherever u want to be. But hmm.. dream on.. :P

  5. Thankyou all, for being there when no one else was <3

  6. Once he see that I'm doing better without him, then he decide that he wants us back.. Fuck off :).

  7. Shit Happens

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MiniMuppet
    3. Lisa


      Nah not really, got some problems in real, something with my dad, sorry for putting some stuff on 'whats on my mind' its like i want attention orso but i didnt know first that everyone can see my updates haha. So sorry didnt ment to bother. If ur really interested or anything u can send me a priv message cuz im not gonna tell everything inhere. And no u dont have to, just if u want.

    4. klants


      Hope everything goes well.

  8. All I can do is be me. Whoever that is.

    1. Charlie


      Chin up! Be the girl that makes you happy ;D

    2. Stumpel
    3. Schwiizer Käse

      Schwiizer Käse

      You make it sounds as if more is required?

  9. Just listen and let go.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lisa
    3. MOoN


      you know Phaeleh O_O got nice taste Lisa :)

    4. Lisa


      Ofcourse i do, haha thanks Moon u too :))

  10. Will be a great event, will try my best to join . Posted it on FB too
  11. a dyslexic man walks into a bra :D

  12. The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes

    1. MiniMuppet


      your very deep this week lisa :)

    2. Lisa
  13. Don't let the system get you down.

  14. Sometimes you end up losing yourself trying to holdon to someone who doesn't care about losing you..

    1. s05aa


      True story.. Als je een praatpaal nodig hebt weet je me te vinden :)

    2. Charlie


      TM van je houdt!

    3. Lisa


      Thanks guys :) <3 Ik hou ook van TM Char :D

  15. For me everyone is good . but the best? hmm.. Shockwave, NighT.. hmm Spy when he drinks energy . And Charlie when he's being ninja lol. Idk who's the best..
  16. behind every successful man is a surprised woman.. :D

    1. Dexter
    2. MadF.Lame


      Wrong! there's sleepless nights, never ending work, low paychecks and only gratidude as warm handshake.. still no women

    3. MadF.Lame


      oh wait, that's my story.. not successfull.. my bad!

  17. 4th aug, cant make it 3th..
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