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Le Blond Esq

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Le Blond Esq last won the day on August 1 2015

Le Blond Esq had the most liked content!

About Le Blond Esq

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    mecca apparently
  • Interests
    gaming and porn

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Rising Star

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  1. Turn down for what

    1. Jaden


      Fire up that loud

      Another round of shots

      down for?!?!?!?

    2. naz


      bum bum bum bum

  2. I'm blondie the same guy that has always been part of the tm community either in or out of clan. I have my ups and downs but i rarely break rules. I have fun. Today I was banned, reason being I put SVGC tags..... come on ffs... its me frog harry clock..... I put (.) and no ban. FREEBLONDIE 2015. Ben stop being a complete..... git. YOLO
  3. Le Blond Esq

    New leader

    Smirre got an xbox 1 yolo!!
  4. pretty obvious who used google reward the person who did the worst as that person didn't google lol YOLO!!!
  5. YOLO
  6. I had this the other day.. bloody Russians. YOLO
  7. Le Blond Esq

    It's time

    still miss you Mr and Mini. Blondz x
  8. #FREEJOKER2015 #<=TM=>Joker<3 #<=TM=>Blondie bad boys ride together and die together bad boyz for life. wait wot. SICK!
  9. Remove base race.... crap anyway, times too short to complete the base... whats the point lol Hi Charlie.... noob lol
  10. Sorry ali, just aint been up for it. Will try tomorrow and jump in with someone. not fun when everyone in your house is ill and you are the one to take care of the children. forgive me.
  11. Le Blond Esq

    It's time

    ok now they going can we change the fooking mine settings hahahahahaha
  12. Le Blond Esq

    It's time

    End of an era. Fly safe Mr and Mini. Had a gut feeling this was in the pipe.
  13. oops, am ill, sorry guys. very run down.
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