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Jessica last won the day on March 23

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About Jessica

  • Birthday July 14

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  1. Thats why you go on vacation with a camper ?
  2. Jessica


    @knuX no mather what happned before, these kind of communication is totaly not acceptable. You better thank @Txrki that it was only a 15 minute kick.
  3. Only player who is banned is a player named Jotaela, but he had many, many, many warnings, also for mortar inside. I can't Imagine you are Jotaela, and then write a topic like this ! Would it be ????
  4. Further, you can rejoin our server. Last Ban you had, with your name, was on 1e of aug 2024.
  5. Dear Perro, Game was originaly disigned for 6 vs 6 players. You can imagine some weapons are not fair when we play 24 vs 24 players That is the reason we have some aditional rules, to keep the server fun for everybody, not just for 1 player.
  6. Danny, I was not there when it happened, so I can't give any opinion about it Team has the right to callvote. It rearly passes, so why it passed on you, no idea. I can see an admin banned you 2 weeks earlier for teamkilling ( on purpose )
  7. @Maman You have been muted by several admins in logs. 3 days after last mute you changes Guid on 4-12-2024 ( Its most likely to avoid mute ) You can not tell me you did this was no intention, while you connected with OLD guid again on 14-12-2024 And on the 16th again you tried another Guid, even with another name ( Karl ) When I see the signs and the warnings I think the admin who banned you did a good job.
  8. Merry Christmas to everyone. Nice graphics
  9. I know, and I also know he was the one Without name My specialty is acting like I am dumb He already got unbanned yesterday. @strcmp Please maintaine one name so we can see who is playing , thank you
  10. Hi strcmp, your name is not in the ban list. What was your name while you got banned ?
  11. Jessica

    unfair ban

    We do our best to keep servers clean and a nice envirement for everyone. I would expect some respect for the admins and members who do this. Sceenshots show a kind of communication that we don't want on our forum, discord or game. Ban will not be lifted.
  12. https://teammuppet.com/home/forums/topic/21584-unfair-ban/
  13. Jessica

    unfair ban

    ddd31, we had a discussion before on 2-9-2023 I explained why anyone should have a unique name, I explained about searching names is on wildcard base, I gave you a screenshot of all the names you already had used, \ I explained to you that admins have tons of work for players who keep renaming. and i asked you to stick at 1 name. However, at 30-05-2024 you still using various of names wich are not unique, and you call me a "fucking retard" when you get kicked. Below an example of your " it wasn't a great conversation" ddd331 — 30-05-2024 22:37 fucking retard you can atleast fucking warn me go fuck yourself piece of shit ddd331 — 30-05-2024 22:59 how am i supposed to FUCKING know that flex name is taken wtf is this bullshit can't you fucking type me a fucking message and say that 'flex' name is taken and i should rename myself are you fucking retarded or waht? ddd331 — 30-05-2024 23:00 yeh go and fuck yourself id ont give a shit idiot
  14. @fratske It is very kind of you to make this topic for him. I think it is better for ddd to make a topic, so we can look into it, without you be the middle-man. I have checked his chat history, and trust me : You don't want to be in the middle of this, where he is obvious lying to you. He has have lots of warnings, he used lots of names, and get several warning for it and he reacted like this :
  15. 波普爾,沒有人明白這一點!
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