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About Mellie

  • Birthday 02/24/1981

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  • Location:
    Lelystad, Holland
  • Interests
    ET ofcourse, cycling, Fishing, Work , :P

    Trackbase :): http://et.trackbase.net/?mod=playerinfo&idx=3544928

    They who quit to early, never know how close they're at the goal.

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  1. Back in town, from holiday.. after tomorrow back on the servers!! finally!!

  2. Back in town, from holiday.. after tomorrow back on the servers!! finally

  3. just 1 day work and then 3wks holiday again... next week a whole week fishing :)

    1. Frezzh


      fishing in the IJssel?

    2. Punakone


      Nice! Have fun fishing m8! :D

    3. Mellie


      no.. fishing in groningen.... pics at my album

  4. maybe just an idea also for jaymod ?? greets
  5. had to install my et all over again... start over again with my xp :(...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MABRUN


      did you open your trash from your computer, maybe w:et is in it, you never know.

    3. Mellie


      @mabrun.. if i deleted any file of my pc it not stays in trash.. it's immediately removed from my pc.

    4. StrikerOwner_NL
  6. lol that's a good wake-up!... come on TM and read that you're a full member :D.. tnx to all !!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MOoN


      Well done m8 ! ;)

    3. Andy


      Well done, means something these days :) Congrats!

    4. miraro3
  7. Back in Town!... fix something here and then back in ET ;) greetings to all

  8. this weekend away to family, back tomorrow !... so no ET in the next 36 hrs. :(

    1. Wolf


      Thanks for letting us know mate, have fun! :D

  9. this weekend away to family, back tomorrow !... so no ET in the next 36 hrs. :(

  10. just back from work.... now first a shower en then ET !... hell yeah 0_0

  11. pfff back to work again.... wanna play ET ffs...

    1. Temptin


      I know the feeling lol

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