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Nitmod Admin
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Everything posted by StaR

  1. Heya! Welcome to the forums!
  2. Welcome to the forums
  3. I won't be making it to the party but I will be there for the afterparty!
  4. No way 7 years. It feels like it was just yesterday!
  5. Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay
  6. Welcome to the forums
  7. She sounds beautiful
  8. StaR

    How do.

    Mr Xen sounds cool tho
  9. StaR

    How do.

    Eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Mr Xen!!!!! Glad to see you like the server! Maybe we can get a father and son TM membership going on?
  10. You're old
  11. Heya and welcome to the forums!
  12. Hey FrenchPie, Thank you so much for reporting this. We are currently dealing with this situation and he is being monitored constantly. Fear not, there's no room for things like this on our servers, he will be brought to justice.
  13. Heya! Nice intro Good to see another North American! We need mooooore!
  14. How many times did you set me -1 ? I think like 10-15 times
  15. Ye, you weren't cool enough to be part of the Jaymod crew
  16. Too long, didn't read.
  17. Voted! Even tho there's no Cortex..... One day we will have a working version of the map with double jump and star will be so happy!
  18. nah, you aren't important enough for people to know you huehuehue
  19. Great intro ! I also like mountain biking and trekking, the mountains here in Quebec are a great source of mountain biking! As for the fragging, I gave up trying to get better at this game maybe 6 years ago lol. I usually run as an engi trying to do the objective as much as I can or I ninja around as a cvops. Anyway, I hope to see you play more on our server and maaaaaybeeee an application? Till then, see you on the server
  20. OR We can put up the poll for just 3 days and whoever is active on forums gets to vote and whoever isn't well you snooze you lose.
  21. Good luck
  22. Salut Tchiiouu! Merci de jouer sur notre server! La traduction de ton texte est vraiment bien Il y a beacoup de personnes qui apprend l'anglais just par jouant des jeux videos. J'espere que mon francais est acceptable. J'habite a Montreal et notre francais est pas mal different que la tienne Bon, c'est tout. Bienvenue sur notre site web. On ce voit dans ET
  23. It's game day! We need the twitch link!!!
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