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  1. Yesterday
  2. Maman

    Maman say Hi

    Hi I'm Maman , my name is Christophe ,I'm old I play RTCW and ET in Beta 2002. I have a rather nervous temperament. I was banned several times because of this. I love this game. I'm Mute in the server and I prefer it So I can't apologize for the TK I hope to see you on the server. GL&HF ❤️
  3. Last week
  4. Only thing which hard to set in that map is those multiple SK areas and its lua script.. Because I dont think that they are set already.. but it has MANY of them..
  5. I may or may not have lied Ahem. I didn't actually add it. It's the kinda map that I shouldn't add without consulting other admins first. Also I'm pretty sure Mini has threatened to ban me in the past if I ever added it lol. I do believe it'll get added though, we're just checking out the time addons thing and other little stuffs. Don't wanna blindly add such a big and ... big map. @Flo be the man who you can trust more than me @Stumpel Honestly I'm not as bad as I make out, I just have carpel tunnel in my wrists and I can't really game after work because of it. I reckon I could still be half decent on etl1 if I played more than once a month and wasn't falling to bits 😅
  6. @Charlie 1 vs 1 me and you would be quite even, why I'm slow man who hates beeing medic and loves rifle.. But I dont live with rifle or keep is as wife.. My wife is Elina and sometimes she asks me to help her.. P.S. People have seen what kind of player I am and I can tell... I play always to object, if know the obj.. I use grenades and rg's and if they empty I switch pistols so most of kills comes grenade/rg and when I die mostly I drop nade next me just after death that uniform cant be taken.. Knife I attack suddenly, and if FIeld-ops I try give all people ammo which I think they need throwing nades and last shoot.. Covert I use FG or sniper I just dont like sten.. And I use much smoke grenades I keep throwing them to help people spot wh guys, and that team gets cover in actions.. Soldier sometimes if I am its mortar or flamer... Medic in very rare cases, then I try needle own team guys who are on ground and give packets... Shooting comes 2nd.. BUT my mouse is somehow broken it sometimes shoot random shots automatic without even touching it and I have maded some tk's because of it and been angry to mee after it.. I have to buy new mouse.. Any ideas about new wireless laptop mouses.. I have to run aim in the sky that random shot doesnt hit others.. Even my keboard buttons stop working sometimes idk the reason my PC is DELL Latitude E5470 (Windows 10 (8Gb DDR 4 RAM and 128Gb flashram and integrated Corei5 GFX card but I have only 4 games ET, MW2 and MW3 and CSGO.. Im quite good at that MW2 and MW3.. But that laptop isnt the greatest one..
  7. Hahahaha brilliant. Thanks Charlie! Could never beat u even if I tried :'D
  8. Imagine how embarrassing it would be for a retired old man like me to beat Ebo in a 1v1. I couldn't do that to her. Added Minas to ETL1 along with the time fix. Let us know if anything needs altered. Cheers lads ❤️
  9. Nice, I hope it wins votes... Its good maps with almost full server..
  10. @Charlie Yo Charleston, you old duck! we unanimously (at least 20+ members) voted tonight, that we need to add Minas Tirith map back into the cycle of main ET:Legacy server! @EBO said you're a wuss if you don't and she'll 1v1 u anyday Please load it back asap, for free Charlie points
  11. hi there and thanks for the greetings! keep enjoying the server ✌️
  12. Version 1.0.0


    V3 change log Fixed missing brush above main gate. Fixed cov_door_Depot_Gate bug. Added route from transmitter to sidewall area. ( requested by U!ps ) Added custom textures. ( provided by U!ps ) Reworked door at assualt ramp, added button inside docs room. Removed keycard to fix map breaking bug ( reported by ETc|nick ) Changed generator activation to "repair" or "switch". Generator activation type can be changed by server admin via mapscript (default set to switch). Allied CP room now longer, moved Allied CP location in the room. ( requested by U!ps ) Added new route at generator axis spawn. ( requested by U!ps ) Fixed FPS drops. ( reported by kevlar ) Added limbo cams. ( requested by [eG] johnd0eafk ) Updated location data. Improved the command map. ( requested by [eG] johnd0eafk )* Added wm_addteamvoiceannounce sounds. Allies can no longer access the sidewall before the generator has been activated. ( requested by U!ps ) Axis can no longer access the north middle spawn exit before the generator has been activated. ( requested by U!ps ) Main and Depot gates now open slower. ( requested by U!ps ) V2 Change log BSP name now has no version suffix. (for easier server administration moving forward) reworked allied villa spawn New allied CP spawn. New axis generator spawn. Reworked old allied CP building. Moved axis CP. Added cov door at axis CP. Increased doorway size and headroom on most indoor sections and doors. Changed cov doors on main and depot gate sections. (will now auto open for axis) Blocked the holes in the floor of axis final spawn and added alternative routes. Moved documents to table. Some cosmetic changes to terrain. Assualt ramp moved to front of document building with build activated doors. Added Basement spawn for axis. (set as disabled) swaped position of sidewall hole with sidewall cov door. moved barracks corridor outside exit, added ramp where there was a step. added location data added option to block the middle spawn / forward bunker archway. (set as hidden) depo gate switch removed from axis side.
  13. Earlier
  14. Ok, but I m not very active sport watcher, reason might be the channel fees what companies want.. That finnish team is the team that I really support.. Just sayin, but you asked and I answered.
  15. lets go PENGUINS - im a pittsburg fan personally ^^
  16. Finnish hockey team Called Oulunkärpät their site is https://karpat.fi/ in NHL its NJ Devils https://www.nhl.com/devils/ And Swedsh hockey league Frölunda HC https://www.frolundahockey.com/
  17. I know stumpel m8 - whos your fav hockey team ?
  18. @Kevlar I dont play everyday, which means that I m not the activiest player, so that why I just cant know the truth.. My activity because its that I play sometimes.. it means that I cant know who trolls and who doesnt.. But I know that @Flo knows.. And I trust your opinions @Kevlar so the way how I answered to you wasnt nothing against your posts..
  19. Today, map tankbuster. I decide to be soldier with panzerfaust in order to destroy the tanks. One bot took the panzerfaust 3 minutes after and i lost the panzerfaust. He stopped being soldier, and was medic. I recovered the possibility to use the panzerfaust . 2 minutes later, he came back soldier, i lost the panzerfaust. And no way to send him to martial court...
  20. Don’t know what happened exactly but I see you trolling regularly Loki and this starts to bothers me. Saw you knifing teammates and have arguments with them two days ago. Plus Kevlar is in our community for years believe me he has better things to do than babysit trolls. I don’t wanna hear anymore from you in the future. Play normally, stop trolling or this won’t last long trust me. We all have better things to do than managing trolls. You’re not the first one and won’t be the last one, we have appropriate response for these.
  21. ""EDIT: Yes i edit, I gather thoughts. Not use curse and such words. Two questions though. If I am as you describe me, why am i not banned? Been playing for months., Second, when i am killing you, you are cursing at me here too, demo too, so if i should go to beginner server, where should you? Let's keep it cool. Leave each other alone i think. You play, I play whatever class i want and i obey the rules as i did so far, obviously i got warning in the past who didnt when 28vs28, let's no gibberish talk... so boring.. stop bothering me I don't want to deal with this I just want to play, I did no crime or break rule, I don't talk about you all time like ":fuk off" and the things you wrote in the demo. You play your game, I play mine, period. I dont see how that is unreasonable to you. We can keep going on with this forvever,,, what do you want me to say ? Apologize for someting i did not do? Apologize for taking a class? Apologize for a weapon? Please end this both of us here for good, please... I just want to play. If other admin want to ban me because of those demos that they see proof and feel I should be banned then ban me. If you do, I might appeal here as well, but again arent you bored of this.... I am.. Why is it only with you? No other admin complain aobut me. NO other. Only you. Even I am good with some of them almost good acquantinces. Just stop here and play the game men.. and yes I edit because i can't reply to you otherdwise. I am no longer looking at this topic. If other admins agree with you, let it be i hope it make you happy. But everything you claim about me, you overexagerate, and twist it, or simply lie. And you also hide-command put me spec for no reason, I was using mg again even on your team, i didn't record that game... but every time i see your name i start recording from now on, uinless you stop this monkey donkey thing because you hate my mg. It is a fair weapon, I use it, I killed you several times, I dont apologise for that and for any claims that you told about me in games, they are not true."" Brilliant You came here, started the topic, now you want me to 'just leave you alone'. Wow. Honestly, troll. Your on the server every day and ppl are telling you to fuck off for team bleeding, or ruinning the play, or blocking ur team, or aiming your mg at dyan we need to defuse, the list goes on. You have been asked to stop it, and ytou persist. You dont get to come to our forum, try cause a ruckus, then tell me, or dictate what happens next. Record all you like, you wont be the first, and u won't be the last. Tow the fucking line on the server, and u wont have any issues with me. I dont look for shit, it finds its way to the surface. Your just a troll. You said in one reply I was X player now Im Y player. Make up your mind. Your two little demos don't exonerate you, we dont need demos, we're aware that your disruptive already. We're not as thick as you like to think. I put my time and effort in to keep the server going, as do all members, and yes were there to play a game. So play it. Dont troll it. Your an adult, ruining a game, and when told off for it, you come crying for explanations and making complaints, wasting more time, where is our explanationas to why you keep ruining our the matches and then think its OK to turn up the next time? @StumpelIm sure you have misunderstood the context, this isnt a complaint about SK. Player is daily trolling server, making bad plays, ruining it for his team 90% of the time. They already know.
  22. That red thing, sorry to say, but I know people sometimes got something against someother people but I hope that our members doesnt answer with that kind of ending... This isnt anything personal its as info for future.. I know your good guy @Kevlar.. But I dont know what happened behind the curtains... That game in demo ends into !kick... That I just dont understood I miss something on it, and that why I hope the @Flo and @Jessica check it.. And I'm not "admin" I'm just level 10 <=TM=> Senior Member, who is NOT intrested to be admin so dont have care much about my talking, I just try explain things.. We have the rule called !respect in our rules too... Just informing.
  23. Checked Lokis demos, I didnt see there any special.. The spots were he was wasnt actually inside spawn.. If its the decay map.. And yes even the automatic SK script didnt give him anykind of warning... I just think did I miss something or has something happened in other map.. Just got suprised that demo ends to kick.. I hope @Flo and @Jessica looks it and say what they see.. I saw it quite basic gaming... Have seen much more diffrent gaming too.. But if askin on me I didnt see any special, Lokis comments was that he was talking about other players eating.. That how I understood it..
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