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What's happening with our servers?


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As you all know, we have had some major server changes recently and we probably have not really kept you up-to-date on why and where we are with the moves.


The reason for moving the Beginners and the Nodownload servers where driven by the issues with the NL servers hosted by YCN, these where constantly timing out due to DDoS attacks, after numerous complaints we are at the point now where YCN do not reply to my support tickets.


The beginners was moved to the dedi box and changed to Nitmod and map vote, this hopefully would have reduced the amount of lag that players where suffering under the old mod and server, this also runs the NxAC software to reduce the amount of cheats that may try to connect. There are still a couple of issues that need to be resolved (I have not forgotten) and will be looking at these shortly.

Connect to;

 beginners.teammuppet.com or


The Silent server has been moved to today due to me winding down my account with YCN, this is a duplicate of the original server other than the update to the latest version of Silent has been installed, the detectbotv3 lua as been added also, if there any issues then please post.

Connect to;

Silent.teammuppet.com or


A new server had already been purchased with gameservers.com based in the NL to replace the nodownload server in the near future but due to yet another DDoS attack last Friday we moved the server immediately, a good decision at the time as the YCN NL servers where up and down all weekend.

I spoke to kill4fun from UCE at the weekend who was complaining about the YCN servers and asked if we had moved hosts and informed him that we had done so, I checked their forums to see if they had made the decision to move and saw a post regarding their support request from YCN;


“Unfortunately we have been under huge DDoS attacks this weekend and there doesn't seem to be anything that we can do against it. So to be honest with you, if you want to change hosts and you find one with DDoS protection, then go for it.”


Our decision to move from YCN seems to have been the correct one, though this has also brought some other issues. The gameservers.com servers do have DDoS protection and anyone using HLSW to view the server may see that the server is constantly lagging out, this is not the issues, it is the server rejecting the constant “getstatus” commands, this is also showing intermittent “server down” status on Splatterladder. Game tracker banners are our preferred form of advertisement for the foreseeable future due to them being in partnership with Gameservers.com.


The server is still not using the real time rating system from Trackbase due to the server crashing whilst using the latest 0.7.0 binaries, Paul from Trackbase believes he cannot scan the server due to us using 0.6.7 binaries and we need to update, Gameservers believe this is because the binaries are compiled using a later version of glibc, I have reported this back to Paul and am awaiting his reply. There server is currently using the default rating system, if anyone is actually interested in rating!


The server has been changed to map vote and now as a total of 30 maps installed with more to follow, the extra port (27961) has been added and tested to allow the server to show in the 2.55 server browser, if there are any issues then please feedback.

The old server is still live and will for the next month redirect clients to the new ip address.


Connect to;


Etpub.teammuppet.com or nd.teammuppet.com or


So, hopefully is you read all of that then you will know why the servers where moved and for what reasons.

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we appreciate all the time that you and other admins have spent here to make this community better every time. thank you very much for all your work that you have done here! :)

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People like MrMuppet keep the ET community alive. The amount of time and effort Craig puts in is just way beyond what we can imagine.


You deserve way more then you actually get in return for all this mate. Thanks a lot for supplying us with a place to relax and have a game amongst friends.

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People like MrMuppet keep the ET community alive. The amount of time and effort Craig puts in is just way beyond what we can imagine.


You deserve way more then you actually get in return for all this mate. Thanks a lot for supplying us with a place to relax and have a game amongst friends.




Thank you Mr. ...

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  • 2 months later...



First of all I want to thank you for the information you gave us on our forum.

Secondly I would like to hear your experiences with gameservers.com, we need to consider to move to them aswell since YCN probably will never reply on any ticket nor they can provide us with a secure server.


Thanks in advance,


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First of all I want to thank you for the information you gave us on our forum.

Secondly I would like to hear your experiences with gameservers.com, we need to consider to move to them aswell since YCN probably will never reply on any ticket nor they can provide us with a secure server.


Thanks in advance,


Gameservers.com sucks, YCN hosting sucks even more :<

Go with i3D.net

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If you have affort to it, buy a dedicated server. From my own experience, all GSP hosts just want to make money and because of that they have very poor gear and lots of customers/server. Lag will never go away 100%, but with a dedicated server, atleast you know it is all yours and you can tweak how much memory you want to give to et, how many cores it'll run...etc.

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  • Founders

Gameservers are "ok" their support response times are poor, we still have some lag above 32 players on the server but you will never get a lag free server now.


Gamining deluxe in the UK are good, we have a dedicated box with them and it is very good, their support times are excellent, usually within 15 minutes but they only do servers in the UK.


We also have a dedibox with Hetzner but I cant comment on that yet as we have not really used it.


YCN have old machines crammed with servers, little support and are constantly getting ddos attacked, cheap and cheerful as you would say.


I have not used i3D.net so cant comment on them.

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I think a dedicated server for such a small community we've got is too much.

I understand that every host comes with problems however the amount of lag we are experiencing from YCN is way to much. We are looking for a more secure hosting provider and all these years I've heard things about gameservers.com tho I've never spoken to anyone who actually uses it.


For example, the YCN control panel is quite extensive and pretty easy to use, does gameservers.com provide such an easy cp aswell?

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If you have affort to it, buy a dedicated server. From my own experience, all GSP hosts just want to make money and because of that they have very poor gear and lots of customers/server. Lag will never go away 100%, but with a dedicated server, atleast you know it is all yours and you can tweak how much memory you want to give to et, how many cores it'll run...etc.

I agree. eLemental Forces (element clan) hosted 4 servers on hetzner provider: http://www.hetzner.de/en/

It's a german hoster but they had never problems with lags.

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