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Well hello guys. 

I guess most of you wont remember me, i joined TM/PIMP pretty 3 years ago and left them 2 years ago. 
I decided to go on army from 2012-2014 so thats why i couldnt play and stay on server/W:et. 
I wasnt a big name so it wasnt this terrible. 
I was on an Etpro ScrimTeam back on the days, when ppl still played etpro ^^ 


Anyways, now im back home, i study IT and i got some free time to spent it on Wolfenstein . 
Still its one of the best game ive to say. 

I talked with =TM=.Jaden ( btw hes pretty cool guy dont lose him ) bout what happened when i wasnt there and stuff. 
I heard the Fusion with *PIMP* broke so its only =TM= now. 
Sad to hear but anyways, im happy that TeamMuppet still exist. 

I guess i will stay on your server, cause it the only server ive some Connenctions to it and maybe i will try to join back on =TM=. 
But first of all ive to reclaim my old Skill lvl i suck hard atm ^^. 


BTW: playing on a Windows 8.1 PC seems to bring some problem with it. 
You got some CFG stuff to fixx issues, 16:9 widescreen res. and stuff, this would be pretty cool . 

Greetings your p!kaChu :) 




Hello and welcome back to the ET world.


I haven't dare to update to win 8.1 on my laptop, just because i've heard about the issues, so can't help you with that.


Welcome :)


I play to on windows 8.1, no probs so far.

You can apply this patch http://donewmouseaccel.blogspot.ch/2010/03/markc-windows-7-mouse-acceleration-fix.html for the mouse.. but thats all.


custom res:

set r_mode -1

set r_customwidth 1920

set r_customheight 1080


and if you use ATI/AMD, fix fps issue with:

set r_primitives 2




custom res:

set r_mode -1

set r_customwidth 1920

set r_customheight 1080



 really ty, you helped me alot :D 


3 years ago was before my time, so I dont remember You but it always nice to meet new people. So welcome back and enjoy Your stay.

If You need recruiter /m niki :P:blush:


Welcome pikachu, btw where Ash? 


Back in Japan doin weird stuff with Tentacles ...  :dancing:


Welcome back, you'll see ET hasn't changed a lot through the years :) ETPro is still played btw!


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Thankfully it didnt jeah :) 

One of the main reasons i came back :) 


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If you say so.... :D

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