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Hi all,

Apologies to make this my first post on the forum, but I'm confused about this matter.

I was playing Bremen as Allies today, and using the mortar from allies spawn. I was shooting it in the parts dotted green. The Axis spawn is in red.

Earlier in the map, I got two automated warnings about spawn kill/damage - this is fair. So I aimed where I thought it would be safe; that broken building with the wooden upper floor. Surely this is not spawn, right?

For some reason, I got kicked for 900 sec/15 min because of using the mortar there. However as you know this is some distance from spawn, and if shooting onto the upper floor of the broken building, you would have to leave spawn in order to get there.

Now, imagine if I went on top of that broken building with a panzerfaust. I think if I used it, this would not be considered SK. I am happy to show you on the map in

So is this area spawnkill or not? If so, why is it? Axis are shielded by the walls of the building so damage to their actual spawn should be zero.

Can you draw on this map using GIMP or something to show what is *not* spawnkill? Was this automated, or did an admin simply get angry that I killed 3 people there?

I have also drawn in green the places where my mortar rounds hit on a picture of the map. Is this *seriously* considered axis spawn?




Edited by unsigned

Only thing I can say is SK is very hit and miss. It's not always about a specific spot you hit, but if you give damage to a player in an area you shouldn't. So you could hit a mortar and only give 1hp damage to someone who's in the SK area and you will get warned. So you can see how close it is


That's fair, but it's upsetting when it's clearly not intentional. I guess I'll have to be more careful, but no way the mortar damage would transfer to anywhere past the door of the building closest to Axis.


I will help you with the rules.

With other heavy you have to show yourself, and enemy is able kill / snipe you.
With mortar you can hide in your own spawn and just keep shooting 

For that reason mortar is always treated as special.

Whenever you hit someone in the spawn area, eben with only a small amount of damage, you shoot to close to spawn.
If you shoot too close you run the risk of being penalized.

Actually just like everything in real life if you push the boundaries. You could also choose to go for safe.

  • Like 1
Guest Cyber

I'll do even on better :) here is some of the most played maps with the spawnkill limits marked out and described. If in doubt, check this page


And as for your exact case that happened, let's see: if your mortar shot landed indeed on the roof or inside, which would seem to be OK. However, the script takes position of damaged player, not landing spot of mortar round. So you might have aimed on roof but probably dealt dmg to someone in the protected area which is outside of the building (mortar has really big splash area). That's why you got warmed. It's better to err on side of caution, respect if you already have 2 warnings. Maybe next time consider very different spot away from spawn or different class altogether to avoid the 15 min kick :) I'm sure it was the script being triggered, it gives 15 min. Admins tend to show a  bit of mercy if you're not serious offender ❤️


Mortar AOE damage is really big if this edge damages player inside SK zone it triggers the warning. I think there have been maps where script zone  is not in align with pictures or been missing so also possible to check and test if it actually triggers in places it should.

  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/27/2023 at 7:02 PM, unsigned said:

That's fair, but it's upsetting when it's clearly not intentional. I guess I'll have to be more careful, but no way the mortar damage would transfer to anywhere past the door of the building closest to Axis.

Hey unsigned

Every game I see you play atm you're getting multiple warns with mortar. And just because you're not getting warn doesn't mean you're not spawnkilling. Today on Braundorf you 2/3 times set up Mortar at bottom of stairs on side and was shooting it into Axis spawn exit. No warns but you couldn't be more intentional if you tried. 




that's fair, it was my bad, so apology.

I shouldn't have been doing it. I would have thought that multiple exits means it would be more allowed. I'll be more careful in future or give the mortar a break.



I would add my point of view:
I think it would be better if you could leave the SZ when you are fighting because the enemies who want to neutralize you have to kill you in your spawn zone, but they can't kill you with arty or mortar... And too often they kill your teammates who are reviving, they are leaded to spawn kill while they shouldn't...
Personally i would not accept spawn camping for these reasons

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