It's me again posting my bi-weekly issue with ET Ok so I was trying to play our baserace server and had my mega low fps issues, so I tried to set r_primitives 2 as that what fixed it for me on pub and nitmod. The baserace server forces r_primitives 0 so I went in my cfg to change it there like I got suggested. But it was already at 2. After much frustration and trial and error I saved my etkey and cfg and deleted ET lol. I re-downloaded it using the one in our download section and all is fine and dandy working. It's using 2.6b, in admin and has all the bells and whistles. I put my key and cfg and maps back in to their places and start the game. It asks me to create an alias. Ok fine. I then try to connect to pub and it gives me this error: Download failure while getting ''The following packs are missing:etpub/~tmrules_6.pk3etpub/tm-140820.pk3I went in to my config to make sure I have all the download commands set to 1 which I did. I checked the dl section but these files aren't on here. I /exec it again and /vid_restart to no avail. I ended up going to baserace to see if I could download files there and I can np and connected. I have my name there, woohoo! Wait ... why does everything look different and my aim reticule half the size of my screen? Fuck sake. I /exec'd stuff again, reconnected and nothing would change. I'm still stuck with server forced r_primitives 0 there too. I also lost my levels on nitmod, even though I'm using the same key. I'm at my wits end with this stupid game Can someone help me out? Give me an ET I can just ... play how I want it lol. A-level ICT doesn't prepare you for this. TLTR: Can't download from pub, can't load up any cfg, help me I'm 23 years old and I am getting grey hair, now I know why.