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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2018 in all areas

  1. Dear guests, regular players, friends and members, as a few of you already know, we have had a competition in the past. Time as passed and now it's time to start a new one. So, let me introduce you to how you can win one of our prizes! Because, in fact, there will be three different competitions: 1. Guess the map According to the picture, your main goal is to guess the name of the map to which the picture belongs. There will be 3 maps a week (= 12 maps in total + 3 maps as a bonus on 24th December). The winner will be the one who will get the highest score (highest number of correct guesses). All the maps will be known only by the management of TeamMuppet, hidden on the forum, and revealed automatically every Monday (after midnight). The thread will be locked and anyone who wants to enter the competition needs to send their guess via private message to @Charlie and to @Eagle_cz. Only 3 guesses from each player in any one week will be accepted for each map. Maps will be here: https://teammuppet.eu/home/forums/topic/17060-tm-competition-2018-guess-the-map/ Note: Discussion about the guess's is strictly forbidden and anyone who reveals the answer will be completly disqualified from all three competitions and this part of competition will be cancelled. 2. Most active player This will be won by the player who will be the most active in the game and earn most XP points between 1st of Dec till 31st Dec midnight on the etpub (etpub.teammuppet.com) server. Note: It means to play the game and not to spend time on spec. ...and the winner is: SICI ! Congratulation! Rank Name XP Difference XP on 1.12.2018 XP on 31.12.2018 1 SICI 23782.78125 489887.375 513670.15625 2 BombA 17292.992188 802279.71875 819572.710938 3 <<Suave<< 12712.085937 304828.703125 317540.789062 3. Best advertiser This prize is for the one who will post a screenshot/photo with the best advert/promo for TeamMuppet. This will be done by poll - poll will only be open from 24th Dec till midnight 31st Dec but you can upload your pictures from the 1st Dec to the new thread on the forum that will be made there: https://teammuppet.eu/home/forums/topic/17058-tm-competition-2018-best-advertiser/ Note: Votes can't be changed and will be public. EDIT: Cancelled, nobody joined. Prizes will be: mugs, caps, t-shirts.... and some surprises! Good luck, everyone! <=TM=>Management
    1 point
  2. just signed up, to comment. First thx for having such nice people on a great legacy server. why not include legacy server to competition 2? cya there tobi
    1 point
  3. I transported a internet cable into antarctica.Some of the eskimos and bigfoots are discovering the world of gaming i assume.
    1 point
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