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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2019 in all areas

  1. For those that are unaware, the reason that the server has not been updated to 2.76 is that dependencies required for the game are not available for the current OS we have on the dedibox, I cant find a work-around for this so it means installing a new OS on the box and deleting everything we have currently. All servers have been backed up, TCAdmin is unable to be updated on the current box as well so the database backup for this may not be compatible when I install the new version. The intension is to test everything on a separate box with the OS I will be installing on the current box and the latest version of TCAdmin, currently the new 2.76 legacy is running on with the password muppettest, have a look and see if everything is as the current server, I intend to mirror this onto the box once the OS has been installed.
    2 points
  2. The stats are fixed in the newest version of Legacy, but we have not added it to the server yet. Testing and such ... We'll add any commands anyone thinks they will need, fixing them is a little more difficult though? @Eagle_cz The server has all the commands we'd consider you require unless there's something we missed. We've tried to add !pants but your belt was on too tight!! I don't think we'll add any sounds like that. I'm a fan of them myself but we want to change as little as possible on the server right now. It gained popularity without them, so it stands to reason it will remain popular without them. Nitmod (the silly server ) and Pub have these sounds if you miss her voice
    1 point
  3. As Rogan said, stats issue is nothing that a server admin can fix. Regarding spree sounds: what do you need them for?
    1 point
  4. The only way to fix the stats is to update to 2.76 version of legacy but that's not possible at the moment
    1 point
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