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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2019 in all areas

  1. More is less if it comes doen to tweaking classes if you ask me. The game is about completing the objective and to achive that different classes can be used. Most of the reasons brought up to tweak classes is about killing, not really about completing the objectieve. I know one is related to the other. But there should be difference in strength because otherwise we could aswell skip the obj part en just go fragging with different classes. My 2 cents, Duro out!
    3 points
  2. I am the worlds worst when it comes to getting blown to bits by panza "moaning to myself out loud" but it is as you say a part of the game and anyone who plays et, plays it because they love it not because it's the new game on trend. So why change something that aint broken? As for different weapons powers etc this is a given same like any game, you get to choose what weapon you want and learn how to be good with it. Just because grenade launcher is powerful doesn't mean people are good at using it. Pharaoh - you have destroyed me on many occasions with that damn FG! haha and for the point of being left with no health - that's why this game is so team based you need to work with your team so spam that need a medic vsay. Yes haha, had this a while ago when fueldump was played cov ops vs cov ops no other classes it was just a sniper war made no sense haha. As for spawn times, clearly it is just trial and error and we need as much feedback as possible to ensure optimising. Fuel dump for example I have not seen allies win it except for when a cov and engi have snuck through at the opening stages so yes axis spawn time increased. Goldrush I feel is a similar situation only really won by allies when teams are unbalanced so maybe the same. Got a chance to play school today! was shocked haha first time its been played when i was on server. Very laggy for me don't know if this is common problem or my et freaking out over new map haha. I feel like I have typed lots so i will shut up now! haha.
    1 point
  3. of course it's the FG-only spammer defending it
    1 point
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