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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2019 in all areas

  1. @The Great Pharaoh All right. I initially intended to answer in details about this issue, what happened and why we initially didn't find it after the first complaints about what is indeed a multi layered issue (which include spread, swipe when scoped, recoil, skill levels of light weapon and covops abilities, and some code refactoring on our side). But at this point, I figured cold facts won't change the little crybaby you are. Quite frankly, you aren't worth my time as I have other serious bug fixes to attend. Just so it's done quickly, here are two marvelous screenshots so other, reasonable people have an idea of the reason of your self-proclaimed covops "expertise". Previous test Legacy versions: Current test version (similar to etmain): Notice any difference? Both are traces of FG42 shots, at the Lvl 3 covops and light weapon Lvl 2. The first one shows what happened as a consequence of the unintended double bonuses stacking issue. The second one is what we always aimed for, and that's to stay close to the original gameplay and of basically any other mods out there.
    4 points
  2. Phara, just stop cry about that and learn to play something else than FG. "Medics are OP." Ye, thats probably the reason, why u cant win any single one "face to face" with casual weapons like MP40/Thom, and playing bugged FG, where u can win against someone at least few times, hm? And ye, I tried FG also, and how Kitizen said - . And about this? - Man, just think about that. Isnt it, cuz players mostly playing medics and only one, who is playing FG all the time is YOU? Then maybe blame urself from that, not skilled players with 70kills, cuz there are also players with max 30frags per map, so Thom/MP is absolutely balanced.
    3 points
  3. Wtf, calm down... We all know that there was an issue with FG... you, phara, ET:L devs and others who playing that... good. Mini confirmed that TM didn't changed or decreased any kind of weapons. True is that there was a workaround to limit covs class on lvl 2. This action didn't happen and none of classes were limited in any way. Even a few players cryed for that - about rambo medics and so.... Just turn the page, there were a few of things - call that properly bugs - which gave you an advantage. Yes, this wasnt abou what we want but it was bug. Bug was (hopefully) solved and the book written about that it's just a storm in cup of tea imo. Nothing happened in real, it's still same game, game for fun. And remember - its under active development! Don't take this personally! Thank you. ...in case of misunderstanding or doubts feel free to send me PM or to any admins around.
    3 points
  4. let's close this. @The Great Pharaoh thank you for your bug report. Issue was investigated, explained and fixed by ET:L developers. If you are not happy, well, such a life. I'm sorry. @Spyhawk Thank you (and to your colleagues too) for detailed explanation and all the hard work you doing! I'm really happy and pleased by cooperation between us and your team ---------------------------- Guys, I want to kindly ask you to refrain from any criticism or insults in any way against anyone. Respect each other even if your opinion is different. This topic isn't for critism about skills of players about differencies that we have between each other. I think that we all want to participate on ET:L development, to make things better and main goal of this topic is to report an issue if someone notice something. If you have a different opinion about way of development, then talk elsewhere https://dev.etlegacy.com/projects/etlegacy/boards Stay on the ground, be polite and don't take this things personally It's only game! Thank you.
    2 points
  5. @Pharaoh: I tested the FG a few times for short periods (it is mostly useless for obj; I do obj) and there is a problem. Details: it shoots approx. twice as fast as an smg, is at least as accurate if not more accurate at close to moderate distances (so all indoor scenarios). It reloads also at least twice as fast. Additionally, a cvop can take uniform thereby creating an element surprise, which further puts the enemy at a disadvantage. My experience with it: on a server with medics with decent aim, I played normally as a medic (control). Could kill them, but 2v1 rarely worked in my favor. Then I took out the big gun aka FG. Same people started dropping like flies. In some instances I could kill 3 players with full HP alone using the same basic combat tactics I use. It's extremely overpowered as a close-medium distance weapon to the point that using it feels like I'm playing on easymode. Someone else using FG is frustrating because it takes all the fun out of a fight if one player has a weapon that can hit 4 headshots in under a second.
    1 point
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