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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2022 in Posts

  1. 😍 Find Your Valentine PART II 😍 Hide & Seek Event By popular demand we present to you: Find Your Valentine Part II! For those who missed out last Sunday, here's another chance of playing some hide and seek. And to those who were there last time, feel free to join in again. There's enough love for everyone! 😘 Time: 8PM CET Date: 20-02-2022 (coming Sunday) IP:
    1 point
  2. im back again 3rd time lucky just was wondering do u guys use TS still as i have not seen anyone in the chanells on discord? i mainly use TS myself and remember joining u guys on there to i thought i would ask as i still see it on your website im so noob this time round it will be so much easier forgetting V for a bit and just using my voice also another question should i do a cfg or just wait untill i get better then start tweeking things as i did not remember that at all! i just remembered this game last yr as im more of a delta force person ..see you on the battlefield people
    1 point
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