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SweeXx last won the day on November 2 2021

SweeXx had the most liked content!

About SweeXx

  • Birthday 01/23/1992

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  1. Yeahh! Looks great! Think ive played the Wacht am Rein map few times and if i remember correctly it was a nice map to play! I think its great to add more ''winter'' maps in the winter 🤩💯
  2. Heya Guys Really liked the event! Most of the people were very positive about it. Because i have Corona atm i was online almost the whole weekend. Atmosphere was great! You always keep a few that are difficult, but on the other hand it was really easy to delete if you really hated it! + I really liked the Blood Limbo menu, the blood everywere. The green flames and soundpacks were amazing! Like the blood snow/rain on Radar/Railgun! Didnt make the game laggy for me at all! - Skull textures on walls, it was nice to see but maked the Axis team a little bit harder to spot! The mines were a little bit to big in my opinion. At the end, i think it was pretty successful! Looking forward to the next event. $weeXx
  3. SweeXx


    but how do you type that? in console? dont understand
  4. n4 is SICK!
  5. wohooooo, ive had to work but that´s cancelled so im in
  6. Yeahhh would be fun! im in AXIS ftw
  7. i voted sniper... I love sniper!!! and we havnt got a server anymore so.. Everybody vote sniper
  8. SweeXx

    Grand (re)opening!

    Im in!! Pff very busy with work guys but i will find some time!
  9. Hardcore will never die!

  10. Schoool boooring bla bla bla

    1. Slarty


      Witch makes me rather happy that I'm done with it :P

  11. Hey Greg! Welcome to forum and good luck with youre trial! Vincent
  12. Great!!
  13. hmm sorry toni but what does that mean?
  14. yes but i havnt got a ss bind, i only do /screenshot and than it saids wrote screenshot 0001 for example.. the next day i do again /screenshot it said the same and it replaces the old 0001... very weird.
  15. hmmmm maybe know the cause... every time when i startup et and i make ss it start again... i mean i made ss this morning ss-1 ss-2 ss-3 when i disconnect and join again after few hours and made ss it start again ss-1 blabla.. so my pc replace the others. how is that possible?
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