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Everything posted by Ande

  1. I barely can set up a tent 🤣
  2. Ande


    For that langue i dont know why he didnt kick you earlier.
  3. Nice to see joining our community! Welcome
  4. Welcome to forum and see you on server!
  5. Ande

    Happy New Year!

    Sounds like good plan! Happy new year 🥂
  6. Merry xmas!! 🎄
  7. Banned for cheating
  8. Vaikee auttaa kun ei ymmärrä
  9. Hello, you got falsely banned. Sorry for bother. you are now unbanned
  10. Hello, you are now able to connect 👍
  11. Hi nice to meet you and welcome to our community
  12. Ande


    Hello! welcome to communite and see you on server
  13. Yes, settings are now changed
  14. there is topic allready
  15. Hello. Can you include player name to post. So no need to download video to get name
  16. sounds good. Havent heared them used very much
  17. 03.40 game time. kills couple players and suddendly turned to shoot stypek 2024-02-04-150055-etl_braundorf.dm_84
  18. Good idea. @Flo can tell how it exactly work
  19. I did watch yesterday demo, but cant say anything for sure. But really much headshots indeed
  20. Unfair to use cheats againts our bots! Banned
  21. No doubts. Almost everyone connected from austalian is cheater for some reason Thanks. will be banned
  22. Ande

    CFG doesn't save

    Hello. Do you play on legacy or nitmod? (Beginners server)
  23. welcome back to game and our community! see ya on servers
  24. Ande


    Hi svepa. We trust our members actions. Like lost mentioned, script is only helping hand for members. Warning few different players in several times is frustrating and thats why sometimes player get kicked without warning. Maybe you was victim of that. Members are having fun on server like most of people there Maybe demo if you have it somehow clarify things.
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