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Honourable Member
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Everything posted by Macka

  1. Cuteness level 1000%
  2. Nice
  3. Awesome
  4. Welcome!
  5. Nice to see you here matey
  6. Heyyyyy Thomassss I remember you and some of my best memories were playing and having fun with you. I look forward to playing with you again soon!
  7. Welcome
  8. Congrats mate
  9. I'll be there And Darek...lame excuses tbh.....I think you can do the hosting then relax with some ET PS - Congrats on 2k posts.
  10. Welcome
  11. Macka

    Happy NewYear!

    Happy New Year
  12. And Niki
  13. What's Portguese for 'I poop into rivers' ?
  14. It's been about 5 years since my introduction and I guess it needs a little updating! In-game name: Macka, (or oMacka for Eagle!). Real name: Matt Age: 29 Gender: Male (I was the last time I checked) Profession: Lawyer (I am charging for the time it takes to write this post - Niki look out for the invoice!) Hobbies: Running, gym, travelling, ET! I want to try and learn some languages in the new year. Any suggestions? <3
  15. Macka

    Santa Clause Day

    Please enable extra smoke too. Kdshp simply does not throw enough.
  16. Sweet introduction my friend. I feel like I got to know you a little bit better there
  17. No level until you put tags back on
  18. Macka

    The MuppetMail #6

    Looks good to me.
  19. Congrats!
  20. Welcome
  21. I'm in
  22. Welcome
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