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Everything posted by Slarty

  1. Remember Kiss, Keep it simple stupid... No offense meant
  2. Aren't he always
  3. Then you drink your beers inside
  4. Slarty

    Little help

    You use legacy? Playing on mac?
  5. Lol another thing that "need" to be limited? Why not just remove everything from all other classes then medic, then perhaps the game is more to the likings of rambos?
  6. Must be a very important event, only got 5 e-mails about it
  7. Slarty


    Regardless of what, moar mines
  8. Off until new year :D

    So from me to all and everybody:

    Merry christmas and happy new year

    1. miraro3


      Same for you mate! :D 

  9. You sure are persistent in trying to get me playing, got 3 e-mails about this event hehe. Unfortunately, i'm not even home then as I leave tomorrow for Volbeat concert in Oslo and stay at my gf place the rest of the week/weekend Have fun tho
  10. You sure about them 12? ;p But it was just as I thought, to much work Where are you hiding? Haven't seen you on steam in ages
  11. Yeah, but I couldn't write that Just give me the game instead
  12. You lost me at "clever use of the search options"
  13. Ditto
  14. Grabbing balls in domination mode... But good luck too all
  15. Now we're talking hehe
  16. Ohhh Evil Jesus is at it again
  17. Slarty

    posts attachments

    At 2 am in the morning, hinting tend to go the wrong way. Beside, its Major Disaster now...got promoted
  18. Slarty

    posts attachments

    He might be ex-member but his forum level is Regular, and they are even more limited.
  19. Ahhh, you two are gonna make the first TM Strip poker tournament a reality
  20. Slarty

    Infected Event

    If you do chemistry then in most cases, yes. And drinking alcohol is doing chemistry
  21. Slarty

    Infected Event

    Hehe Ben, remember that in chemistry alcohol is always a solution
  22. Odd question but you have downloaded and installed the latest version of ET:L? When I tried it a month or so back, it worked altho I had to start it from the package content and not double clicking the icon. I have OS 10.10.5 Btw didn't know TM had Legacy servers, but according to this page you got two --> https://www.etlegacy.com/servers
  23. Win 7 and up, i think it was, but you need an original installer to do so. Unless you have one or can get a hand on one, then I'm not sure if its worth buying just for one game.
  24. What OS do you use? If you are on 10.6.x and below, then enemy territory should be able to install. If you are on 10.7 and up, you need to either use ET:L or run trough simulator (crossover or parallels to name a few) or install windows on bootcamp but xp will not work since the hardware in newer macs won't accept older windows versions.
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