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Everything posted by Slarty

  1. Depends on what type of mac you got, Win XP may or may not work at all. I suggest go for ET:L, it works now but didn't earlier
  2. I'd so want that stein, but good luck to those who can play for it
  3. Merry christmas and a happy new year Now I'm off to celebrate the holidays at my gf place, yay
  4. Sort of, its Jesus's secret goat archives...and some of the pics are explicit
  5. I don't always listen to metal, but when I do...so does my neighbors :D

    1. Jesus


      Ah! Yes !!!!!!! That's how you're suppose to listen good music :D

    2. -Ratsu-
  6. I don't always listen to metal, but when I do...nothing else matter :D

  7. Dont be so hash Jesus
  8. After 10.6 there was no more Rosetta support from Apple, and without it the "normal" game version wouldn't work. From 10.7 you can either run the game from bootcamp, try Legacy version or play trough a simulator like parallels or crossover. The latter alternative can lag unless you got some power behind to run the simulator.
  9. Do you know the dyslexic devil worshipper who sold his soul to Santa?

  10. Slarty

    Coming soon

    Still talking about the nude calendar Macka?
  11. Slarty

    It's time

    Its valentin's day not april fools day... Came as a total surprise but I have no problem understand it an respect the decission. Now go and enjoy the day, both of you
  12. Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?

    1. Alistar


      It is joker from estonia

  13. Crime doesn't pay, guess my job is a crime...

  14. Hi and welcome
  15. Slarty

    ET console bug

    Things that make you go...hups
  16. Slarty

    ET console bug

    I know you got the solution for this, but that happens from time to time here too. What you look at in the pic is actually the top of the console. If you scroll down you will see what you normally would see, and scroll far enough and you get it normal again.
  17. I am waiting for the movie
  18. Haven't don't that since Pat Sharp vas playing music videos
  19. I used to do that on skateboard...and on Tony Hawk 2 Break my neck is probably the only "trick" I can do on that hehe Nice intro tho
  20. Why send it the shortest way when you can do an euro-trip out of it... Weird that, must be some bad wiring somewhere,
  21. Ahh cool, now we got a table...when does the beer come? On a more serious note, when do we use the table function here? never seen a post that had need of such.
  22. I'm on a whiskey diet. I've lost three days already.

  23. Suprise buttseeeeeehhh...nm
  24. Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk...That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.

    1. Ren


      one day, Slarty, I'll collect all your aphorisms in a book :D

    2. Slarty


      I made it easy for you, all you have to do is open my profile feed :)

    3. MOoN


      Slartys Bible *_*

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