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Everything posted by Slarty

  1. Do you need a silencer if you are going to shoot a mime?

  2. Happy new year folks, hope you have a great new years eve and remember...don't do anything I wouldn't hehe, that doesn't exclude much but I like to say it :)

  3. Hehe Blondie, thats the new year spirit Happy new year, may the new year bring joy to all
  4. Merry christmas everyone, hope you have a great day :)

  5. Why doesn't Santa Claus have kids? He only comes once a year and then it's down a chimney.

  6. Yay, paid vacation for the rest of the year, starting today :D

  7. EASY: A term used to describe a woman who has the sexual morals of a man.

  8. You can in you config file bind any command to a new key. Open your cfg file in the mod you want to change, pub for instance, and find the line for the key you want to use (make sure its not in use already, to avoid conflicts) and type: /bind <key> <comand> Where key is the numeric key you want to change, and command is the right voice command. Do it till you have it all set, and when you start the game next time it should work.
  9. Proofread carefully to see if you any words out

  10. I must say Mr, that you put dam much work into this place and surely doesn't get the credit that is due for it. Tnx
  11. Nah lets keep him and relegate man u to the plumbers league...
  12. Oh, didn't get the silent part. Will try to be there, but if not...I'm out getting drunk celebrating my birthday
  13. All "likes" are gone, altho the number still stands in profile viewings
  14. Any woman can have the body of a 21-year-old, as long as she buys him a few drinks first.

  15. Yeah, I could have tried blindfolded and still not beat him...
  16. Apple has scrapped plans for a new children's iPod after realizing that "iTouch Kids" is not a good name.

    1. StaR


      That joke was made 5 years ago slartay.

    2. Slarty


      Takes time for good things to reach Norway :D

  17. And if that doesn't get you into the christmas spirit, nothing will
  18. Sure, where and when? Since I have no mac addy, I can't join
  19. LOL looks like the intro question has changed a bit since I joined Welcome to the forums
  20. Am I that obvious?
  21. Don't be sexist, if there are no shirt there...then it has to be the other way around too
  22. I had some similar problems on my mini mac, problem was with the integrated graphic chipset that couldn't handle the load. Not sure if you got that tho... If it worked fine with one driver, revert to that and use it to play with
  23. Slarty


    Most of the times when something wireless tells the computer that its still there, it will lag the hell out of the router. Simple solution is to connect it trough cable.
  24. I either want less corruption or more chances to participate in it.

    1. Lynx


      You can pay me if you want

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