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Everything posted by Slarty

  1. Slarty


    You lucky sob's, I only manage those numbers if I use molotovs and shotgun... Hi Hawk and welcome to the sanitarium
  2. Merry christmas to each and everyone
  3. Just make them do it, that will teach them
  4. Slarty

    Crashing problems

    What some ppl do to increase their postnumber
  5. Slarty

    Crashing problems

    Try look at this, not sure if it helps tho and i use mac so i'm of no use if this doesn't do it http://deltacommande...hread-3949.html the part about UAC
  6. Slarty

    My config

    You sure? I could have sworn you had to press ALT + F4 in order to turn it on
  7. By all means, make such server...then maybe we who plays on jay and pub might not see it for a while
  8. How about 100% gravity so no one can jump at all, and increasing mines to around 200 with zero cost for planting? Then i'd be there
  9. I drink Finlandia but thats a norwegian brand Hi ryuuk, frag you soon
  10. Can you two get a room?
  11. I'll try to be moderate about this....i hate baserace. There, three words instead of the four hundred i wanted to use. But for those who like baserace, it might be a good idea
  12. If you feel for fighting fire with fire, remember that the firefighters use water

    1. serayha


      Some use carbon dioxide, which may not hurt like fire, but sure does kill like it. Come to think of it, even CO2 hurts x)

  13. Posted this one as a link in my first post here, not sure why its just linked but what the heck...here its the link anyway hehe
  14. Why? You want a shot at it? Now i'm confuddled Or is this just a trick to lure me away from the top-spot....ehhh....bottom-spot?
  15. Just come out and play....with my mines, and you'll soon say hi to your dad's neigbor downstairs
  16. I'll fight you for that spot, altho you'll have to stand still while i aim Today I have no clue who's good in this game, but in my old clan we had some decent players: Krosan, Cl@wn, and bunch of players from Finland. For my part, I only played one match...and they never allowed me another one
  17. Can't blame a man for dreaming And yes, i have been in chat once in a while.
  18. Hehe. Got tired of fragging when i played death matches on Unreal tournament, and when i tried Delta force: Landwarrior i instantly got hooked on capture the zone games. And after that, i never bothered to play games where frag was the only object. I am, as you point out, one of very few players that volunteers to play engi and as a result i'm a bit sadden when i see servers that follow (rambo)medics demand on lower number of mines. That usually comes up when someone get killed to often with mines. When I played in BB, I alone was the reason one of the most popular server reduced the number of mines hehe. But as I see it, an engi gives away many frags trying to do objects, so i use mines to balance the score, so to say. Could you raise the number of mines, btw? Beside, you can (unless you reset you xp) see mines on jaymode-server so if you get blown to smithereens, its your own fault. I see that as a mental game, if I can kill someone with something that doesn't move, I score PS. Did no one see the link in the first post? A song that rather sums up me on ET
  19. Dam, i'm gonna have a hell of a headache then i guess
  20. Hi. Just thought I'd stop by and say hi: Hi Hmmm, what else? Getting older i guess, been playing this game at noob-level now for many years. Used to be in Band of Brotherz, but that clan tried out. Was away for a time, until i started playing Pro...witch really did not boost my moral since i still played at noob-level hehe but i guess it was worth it because now i can own as medic in jaymode... Normaly plays as but will use any class i see fit to fulfill mission. Yeah, yeah, i'm an object whore Other then that, live in norway with gf, kids and cats. Gets 42 on the 21 woohooo, and according to the Mayaen calender the world will end that day so i can celebrate like there's no tomorrow yay Guess that sums it up pretty much, and i hope to see you all soon...preferable trough my scope
  21. Hehe you got a point, but on the other hand it looks like your merc is standing still and the Hyundai is racing Formula one
  22. Install version 2.6b and 2.6d and you should be just fine. Pro used 2.6b and 2.6d for jay. No need to mess about with VM when the game comes to mac?!?
  23. Old topic etc... You can try to make two partitions on your HD, and install a lower version of OS on it. Should work, if i'm not totally mistaken. I use 10.6.8 and have no problem (except server side lag ) I'll admit tho that i'm not sure witch version that support pub, as you need two versions of the game to play jay and pro. For pro you need version 2.6b, while 2.6d is the newest.
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