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Everything posted by Slarty

  1. You can even make one for each mod, ie. TMJay.cfg witch takes you to jay-server, TMPub.cfg etc etc..,you get the point...and just make it load that particular mod too. Or is that not possible? //TMJay connects to TM Jaymod server/connect servername-or-ip/exec etconfig.cfg //(replace filename if you got custom made cfg) loads your cfg Cfg naab here, just thought it would be possible
  2. Just open the options-control settings and add F11 to the list for screenshots, and it should work just fine.
  3. Most likely you got a ss-bind that saves with name, and when you start up the game again it has been reset and you replace the old files
  4. I had a simillar problem when I deleted all cfg files, suddenly the game didn't recognise me. I had 0 xp and no level. The solution in this case was to put the back up files back, and everything went back to normal. I still wonder if info about level/xp are somehow stored/mixed witch cfg.
  5. Only thing i can think off is that you used a different mod. Check all ss-folders in all mods, if that is not the case then i'm fresh out of ideas.
  6. Guess its to late but is there any connections between configs and my identification on servers? The reason for asking is this, erlier I dropped out of the game. Thought it would be a good oportunity to check something in my cfg, and next thing I know I have 0 XP on both jay and pub but I guess its the same way on all servers.
  7. Slarty


    Yeah good, let us know when you decide to do so
  8. Well, since I like to play attacking (don't have the patience to sit and wait for someone to come by) then I guess you mean I should plant all mines behind our own spawn so my teammates doesn't set them off? If not, then its close to impossible to plant them between our spawn and object without anyone setting them off. Its just dam annoying to see players who uses the tactic spray'n'pray without getting a "penalty" for hitting teammates, but as an engi you suddenly can kill your own team. Beside, you should think the little flag was warning enough for ppl to stay away, but apparently everyone on my side is short-sighted *sigh* Oh well, rambo medic can be fun too...
  9. Thats my point, my own teammates sets them off when they get near and as amusing as it is to get awards after a game, the "I got no friends award" aren't one hehe. Can't be set in such way as it is in jay, where teammates can't trigger them? If not, then there's really no point in them and as such...no point playing engi?!?
  10. Let me quote a star wars figure "Mesa like!" Perhaps it will be somewhat less panza around hehe But could it be set such that friendly players cant trigger mines on pub (and other servers if its not already set)? After all, friendly fire is off.
  11. Is it light-blue/grey? I had one of those too Got a Razor deathadder on my mac, and a crappy cheap one on my laptop.
  12. Been testing some more on my cfg, and had a really fun map on pub just. Acc above 30%, two figured hs and plusscore while playing most of the map as attacking engi Ofcourse for once I had a almost lag-free game, witch helped alot, but it looks like my try'n'error in cfg pays off
  13. Nice intro hehe. You got some kind of pk3 file that does this. Delete everyone that you know for certain is NOT a map in your main folder and the folder for the mod you play. Should fix this.
  14. No wait, I found a better one heheh
  15. Hey Jesus, guess what? I found you a song to have in your profile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GwxpIAd0uM Bhahahahahaaa (evil goatis laff)
  16. What the world needs is more ppl like this -->

  17. Best way to keep a pc clean and neat is to never take it out of the box it comes in
  18. And when the pile of old puters goes over his window, he just move
  19. If the no. 2 pencil is so popular, why is it still only no.2?

  20. Since I get asked often why I'm not applying for TM, I thought I'd explain it here. I play on my mini-mac and crappy laptop pc (pro on mac and the rest on pc), and have for some years now. I'm saving up for a new iMac and once that is bought, I will have a world of games out there that I suddenly can play. Becoming a member just to drop out in a month or two is not something I want to do, so I'll save you all the trouble do raise/drop me hehe. So you see, it has nothing to do with me not liking TM because I do What I find ironical is that for years I played with default config. Its just this week I have tried to make me one myself. In the old days when I played seriously gung-ho style, I was happy if I had 15-20 acc, and if i had 10 headshots I was thrilled hehe. Now I have added a fov and seneitivity script to my cfg, but due to heavy lag I haven't been able to try it much. I had one lag less map today, and suddenly i had 35 acc. Oh well, can't win them all
  21. Practice makes perfect, your english is good And hi btw, like your taste in music
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