Not sure if its much help, but since I started to play ET again before christmas I too had "bad gameplay" (read: Dies a lot, kills ones in a while). There are a few things you can try before actually go total cfg. 1. Look where you aim. Most ppl who are not good tends to aim to the ground, while those who knows this aim for the head. In a firefight, the one who does headshots usely wins. Before matches try to give your teammates some, and during games try to put the aim where you think an enemy head will show up. Look for anything that can give you the right hight for this, ie if the enemy must come up a stair, try to notice how high up their head are and where it comes to view. For me the difference was significant. From haveing less then 10 hs in a 20 mins game, I suddenly have 20-40 depending if I'm defending or attacking and I still consider my self low 2. Turn up the sound, or get a decent headset. Believe it or not, but for years I played without. The sound the enemy makes are usely the first notice you get that (s)he is there. Now if you have your aim at where their head comes to view, its easy peasy 3. Turn off anything in options that is NOT NEEDED for the game to run, for instance the sun, sky, blood and such. This might (or might not) give you a boost towards lowering your ping. The lower, the better and trust me when I say this: High ping and lagspikes kills, so try to avoid them If you still have no improvments to your game, then tweeking cfg's might be a solution but I doubt it since that doesn't aim for you. After all, in the end its you and your gun (and my mines) that wins the war