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GreatDanton last won the day on September 25 2017

GreatDanton had the most liked content!


About GreatDanton

  • Birthday 11/19/2013

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Slovenia (no not Russia)

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  1. I can't believe I joined almost 7 years ago. Time flies, yooo!

  2. Ah living the dream, being paid for writing open source code (I assume). What exactly is your position (dev-ish or ops-ish) ?
  3. Yeah I don't judge, I just want to get to know him better
  4. Why are you taking a shit in the water in your profile picture?
  5. GreatDanton

    Lost xp

    I do have my level it just seems the etkey in folder Toni suggested is different than the one I am using (which has my level).
  6. GreatDanton

    Lost xp

    Yeah there is etkey in it, but I am level 0, xp 0 with that etkey. It's most likely what Mini said, that I wasn't active for > 6months and server 'removed' my xp from the list.
  7. GreatDanton

    Lost xp

    That was my most recent name: ^0<=^wTM^0=>Gre^wat^1Danton and it's what I am currently using.
  8. GreatDanton

    Lost xp

    Hey, so I finally have a bit more time so I decided to install Et Legacy on Linux (since that's what I use most of the time). I managed to move my old etkey to the right location so I still have my old level, but it turns out I lost my xp & skills points. I am sure I am using the right etkey since I checked it out on my old Et installation and it's the same there. I don't care much about skill points (kd, pwr) , but I would like my old xp points back (last time I checked I had around 550k xp). Is that possible (idk by copying xp from the old xp backup file?) or not? Why would this even occur if I am using my old etkey?
  9. What's up with this forum. I am gone for a few weeks and it seems that the Belgian doods took over. Or is my browser auto translating to Forelle lang?

    1. P3Swan


      Be glad that we fintards havent took over yeat :D 

  10. Or use teamspeak chat in the meantime
  11. Sup danton m8 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. P3Swan


      Whats u doing dood not pälying ET

    3. GreatDanton


      Yea being busy with school & stuff

    4. P3Swan


      What about busy whit poosay hunting :D

  12. Welcome!
  13. That's too bad, I only wear 6XL Nice shirt doe.
  14. GreatDanton

    ND Fov

    What is this? Back in my day we did it by hand every day, wait wut. IIRC if you set your settings while you are in main menu (not connected to server), they are saved. Not sure if that works for FOV, but it does for hotkeys and stuff.
  15. I wonder how is elph most popular contributor for months now, without even posting anything lately. Or are you?

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