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GoLdFiNgEr last won the day on May 19 2018

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About GoLdFiNgEr

  • Birthday June 9

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  1. Welcome my friend 😄😄
  2. Hi, frankly I think it's a bad idea... I took a little time before saying it but it's confirmed in each game... It's true that this can dissuade some Rambo Medics from playing but the game is missing something without that... We should fix the rambo medics ourselves.
  3. ok, before there were 4 levels before the "friend" level lvl 1 2k xp, lvl 2 8k xp, lvl 3 14k xp and lvl 4 24k xp... now we have only 3 lvls before this one... what do you think of lvl 1 2k xp, lvl 2 9k xp and lvl 3 15k??? then lvl 4 friend lvl???
  4. I don't see what help I needed... And yes six said I was abusing my powers and I asked him if he had a problem with that for him to complain... And I don't see what you want if it doesn't concern you
  5. Roflll lbn have suddenly become good people? What are you talking about ? Don't you have anything else to do? I have never done anything unfair... Although I had the opportunity to do so for much more serious reasons than the members of your clan have committed. This dragon should be banished, he has insulted me many times... And clay that I muteed knows why I did it and he has no problem with it.
  6. Bienvenue Stephane.
  7. Yeah, I noticed a change in him too.
  8. Hey monkey... Welcome mate...
  9. hi, the vote is itself a solution to this problem, if i understand correctly, sometimes you are forced to play a map that you don't like. without the vote, you would have been forced to play a map that you don't like ... the vote gives the vote to the majority and I think it is fairer that way. the more people there are, the more choice will be.
  10. Welcome
  11. Welcome
  12. Hey, can we have minastirith, valhalla, fun fortress, marrakech streets by night on the server ? Some ppl asked for it. Thnks
  13. Yes, very good initiative, i Don't miss any birthday in general as long as there is Something to drink…
  14. Hiiii alllllll
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