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Everything posted by Dmxj

  1. Dmxj


  2. Well in some maps i made the announcements manuel. Red = axis Blue = allies If you want every line the same you have to change every map script
  3. How are the updates? @MiniMuppet
  4. Wow! Thanks buddy! We do our best to maintain the servers as good as we can, there will be always positive and negative things but in the end we only want YOU guys to have a lovely environment where u can relax and play games as much as you want. Keep playing and we hope we can add some more years to this beautifull community! Thank you and keep fragging! 😍
  5. We ll look into the logs. Any idea what specific time / date the action happend?
  6. Mapvoting should be fixed from now on. @MrMuppet added an old database to the server so after restart this night everything should be back working.
  7. Dmxj


    This guy is banned before for those same reactions. Good catch! 30d cooldown is welcome after the first ban
  8. Hi @loustik, I think this happend on ETLegacy 1? I don't see any bans on ur name specific today? Could you give me more info, when, name, server or write to us on discord?
  9. might be because ive removed the Z_file between 2 maps! Just use /reconnect and it should be fixed!
  10. Yeah ur 100% right. Ive added some large maps but as long the script isnt updated and that smaller maps can't be voted with +25players nothing will change the behaviour of the people..
  11. Nice intro my friend! First of all happy birthday to you! Feel free to browse around or if you like daily chats join us at discord!
  12. Mapupdated: 12 min initial time +5 when tank is repaired +3 when bank doors are destroyed Total: 20min
  13. Banned on server 99y but it's Risk so might rejoin quickly
  14. ETL Frostbite Not allowed. Marked as: Red-mortar Blue-artillery Yellow-heavy weapons Allies first spawn (FIXED) Axis spawn UP (FIXED) Axis spawn down (FIXED) Axis spawn down outside (FIXED) CP both teams (CAPTURED)
  15. Decay Not allowed. Marked as: Red-mortar Blue-artillery Yellow-heavy weapons Allies first spawn (FIXED) Axis & Allies spawn capturable Axis bunker spawn (FIXED) Allies second spawn (FIXED)
  16. Erdenberg_t2 Not allowed. Marked as: Red-mortar Blue-artillery Yellow-heavy weapons Allies first spawn (FIXED) Axis first spawn/bunker (Capturable) Allies second spawn / bunker (Fixed) Axis Second spawn (Back & Front Entrance) (FIXED)
  17. Braundorf_b4 Not allowed. Marked as: Red-mortar Blue-artillery Yellow-heavy weapons Axis first spawn (capturable) / Allies second spawn (capturable) Allies first spawn (FIXED) Allies second spawn (FIXED) CP (capturable) Axis Second spawn (Back & Front Entrance) (FIXED)
  18. Yes the scripts are based on the topics here + we finetuned some maps like caen etc
  19. Just write if full ETLegacy 2 not ETL2
  20. Christmas maps im in for it!
  21. Covie is now enabled to go through every door.
  22. Hello FCB! Not that i'm a big fan of "de boeren". But glad you found your way to our forums! Feel free to browse around and let's face eachother on the server! Have fun!
  23. Well you have to see it in both ways. Grush: How hard is it for allies to make the tank How hard is it for allies to take the gold and bring it back to the truck with 20 axis waiting outside or inside for you Supply Depot: How hard is it for allies to get the flag when 20 axis are waiting in a bunker for you It's for both side hard at some points, that makes the game unpredictable isn't it?
  24. Not sure if it's possible tho, I work from home tomorrow might find some time to script it can't promise it will work. I'll keep you updated.
  25. Uploaded to etl1, feel free to add feedback after a few games
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