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Everything posted by sty

  1. Whilst I belive your good intentions, and from what little I know about you from the server, that you are a good guy...man, just try to admin this server for 1 week. You will see how much work it is, and you will know that admins do not enjoy babysitting spawnkillers, but they would rarther have a good time pubbing.
  2. That room is basically the same situation for axis on frost; its the only way to go protect the obj, so heavy should not be allowed there.
  3. Kicked him today 2h ago.
  4. Numbers 6:24-26 - The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
  5. sty


    Offtopic! This is very interesting, care to share some info bout it? PM me m8.
  6. sty

    Robert Plant

    Who is ding=trash? Needs ban as well
  7. Stop changing you nicknames every time you join. We dont have time to investigate every time. Keep to your name Roltz or stay banned.
  8. Hi m8. Try this 1. Many ppl reported a lot better experience using it. Looking for a config? Check TM Sensi's config https://github.com/sensiiiiii/etlconfig
  9. Cant wait for demos.I kick ppl who dont care bout goin spec. If u dont play go spec. All it is. I aint wasting time to put all the time the same ppl to spec. And you not wanting to state ur name says all.
  10. About your description: I always wait at least 2-3 respawns before I put some1 to spec. I always give you a chance to go get water etc. I kick ppl who are constantly not going spec, making teams unfair. And I don't do it because I enjoy it. I do it to teach you respect to other players and admins. It seems you have no idea what impact on the game do 7 afk at the start of a map. Automated system is on, so no1 can be afk for a whole day. When TM member is on the server, it is his duty to maintain teams fair. What is your nickname ingame?
  11. Welcome m8. Happy you registered on our forums. Know you well from server and you seem like a decent guy. Good to have you here , have fun.
  12. sty

    Kicked by Sty

    Yeah I get the feeling, but it is all about timing. I will give you example of TM Lost; I specced him 100s of times when he was spawn passing and he NEVER sked, so ye, it is possible to play by the rules, and win a map. Same goes for mortar. I specced TM Frenchpie 100s of times and TM FRIEND Neu Rah, and their mortar was never anywhere close to any spawn exit. They just follow the rules. So yeah....
  13. If u dont draw ur gun u just see others muzzle.
  14. sty

    Kicked by Sty

    I think there is too much spawn killing on the server recently. PPl abuse the warning system so I just kick if the name of a player sounds familiar. Consider yourself as scapegoat. Garage is fixed spawn and sk is not allowed there even with a feather. Get familiar with the rules and have fun playing.
  15. Should we make a poll or something? I mean, how many players are we trying to please? Is it a considerable amount or just few voices here and there who opt against sk in battle?
  16. The best way would be what @Ctrz proposed, set the timelimit of autobalancer to 10s or so. No need to wait a whole minute, considering how busy our main server is. Currently afk ppl are "pain in the ass". I need to go spec and check both teams and put all manually, sometimes its 4-5 ppl each side. Also some players PM me to put some1 on spec. Setting autobalancer on short would be a good thing.
  17. The usual problem is that axis dont even bother to attack once the gate is destroyed. Very often they spam nades into the gate instead of going in.
  18. how did you do that? command pls?
  19. Bibi, kiki, fifi, mimi, so many options.
  20. Fuel Dump also looks very nice and feels more playable to me then all the previous versions, too bad it doesnt get voted often. Great job!
  21. Xmas version of fuel dump rocks. Thanks for putting it in.
  22. Good to see you here Perez, happy browsing
  23. glad u joined forums, have a nice browse.
  24. hi mate.
  25. This topic is pure gold. Great job Matu, you have created a tool that dispels all doubts. Very useful. Thank you. Maybe we could release this post to non member zone? So the rtules r handy to check by non members?
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