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m00f last won the day on August 7 2021

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About m00f

  • Birthday 05/25/1989

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  1. I'm not entirely sure what you're asking - what do you mean with "which voice can be inserted"? Here's some commands that I thought might help you: cg_zoomstepsniper "16" - put in this command and you will have only 2 levels of zoom when using your sniper rifle cg_useWeapsForZoom "1" - If you set this to 1, your weapon cycle keys while change zooming in and out Use these bindings in concution with the cvar above to use your mouse wheel for zooming: bind MWHEELDOWN weapprev bind MWHEELUP weapnext That's what I was thinking about when I read your post, but I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for
  2. the command to record is /record btw :D?
  3. I like the changes to the FG-42, turns the worst gun in vanilla ET to the scary paratrooper rifle it's supposed to be. The auto-sniping can be pretty strong, but it's very hard to pull off actually since it's hard to control and inaccurate, especially if you get hit!
  4. that's uyop -> french pr0 gaymer he was also streaming his games on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1261611453
  5. delete mortar - problem solved 😇🤡
  6. The command forcetapout handles this, you can bind it to keys so you can tap out immediately I suggest binding it to your jump key, so there is no delay when you want to tap out right away! examples from my cfg: bind SPACE "+moveup; forcetapout" bind c "kill; forcetapout; vstr fps" Just keep in mind when you're jumping and you die while holding space you might tap out by accident! cheers
  7. Better get on Charlie's good graces before he gon' smack my buttcheeks with the banhammer!
  8. Warbell rushers11_b2 Nachteinbruch el_kef_final alpine_assault _BRIDGES_ I'd also have nothing against a properly working version of baserace and also throw minas tirith in there, so charlie might come and play more
  9. It is in a way - the cvar r_wolfparticles has been removed in legacy. You can't get rid of explosion graphic effects but certain other effects that were toggled by r_wolfparticles can now be toggled with cg_visualEffects. If you set cg_visualEffects to 0 you remove: black smoke coming from destroyed vehicles, debris flying around after an explosion happens, impact sparks when a bullet hits a solid object and airplanes doing bombing runs when a field ops calls in an airstrike!
  10. looks like 333 fps making you lag, fps and netsettings are closely related in ET I would get the same issue when I set my maxfps to 333 and not have a fitting /rate
  11. Hello there! I'd suggest increasing the spawn times on caen2 a little bit. I don't know the statistics for the map, but I'm guessing the map is heavily in favor of the allied team. As I see it the main problem is that it's extremely hard to push first spawn or obj as it feels like allies are constantly respawning with almost no delay - wiping a defensive position doesn't feel like it contributes much to your team advancing. I love the map and I think it's great, but I feel like more often than not it comes down to a 20 minute stalemate on ETL1 whenever it is played. What do you guys think? Cheers
  12. Personally I was a big fan of the quickprone as its adds another valuable movement skill to the game that needs to be mastered I'd like to see it changed back or lowered a bit at least, cause as of right now it just feels too slow and sluggish, whenever I prone I feel like im glued to the floor for an eternity
  13. Imo more useful than SR would be a k/d ratio or average xp/min rating for players to determine team balance
  14. Checking the compass takes your focus away from the center of the screen tho which can lead to otherwise avoidable deaths
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