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Sebast1an last won the day on July 26 2024

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  1. I haven't played in a while so the rules may have changed but on both instances on Missile you mentioned, you should be allowed to use heavy weapons. 2nd stage: it is not a permanent spawn for axis so everything except mortar is fair game. 3rd stage: there are multiple spawnexits so you are allowed to use heavy weapons on the exit. Mortar is ofc not allowed. This is how I remember it. Please correct if I'm mistaken.
  2. Sebast1an

    Happy New Year!

    Happy new year to everyone!
  3. I agree. The warmup stage should be to even up the teams as well as you could so the defence doesn't get overpowered from the beginning. With afks in play you can't really tell the actual numbers on either side. One idea came to mind: if you can implement this and say, with 10 seconds of warmup left you put to spec any afk's - how about you extend the warmup if this results in unfair teams? So you have time to even it up before the game starts. I can imagine this might irritate some people so it's by no means a perfect idea. Just something that came to mind.
  4. I like the idea of limiting these classes/weapons. I would limit the rifles as well but out of these options I feel like the first option is the best. I made the mistake of voting even though my current situation doesn't allow me to play at all (living abroad atm). Hope you don't mind.
  5. Less played maps already have a chance to be selected. It is just that they are not selected. Democracy! So to me it seems rather than giving them a chance, you'd like to force the newer or less played maps over the popular ones and to me that's the wrong way to look at it. But if TM feels it is smart to force players hand on such a successful server, just increase the interval in which maps don't show up on the vote after being played. A 30 map cooldown quarantees that at least 30 different maps will be played before it repeats. Seems plenty. That doesn't solve the small maps issue on higher numbers but that is also a players preference. Shouldn't force their hand too much.
  6. Personally I like the small maps. I am one of those people who will always vote for maps like Braundorf, Adlernest, Special Delivery or Erdenberg regardless of numbers. I enjoy the constant action, not necessarily the spam fest so much but it is a price I'm willing to pay for a fun game. I dislike maps where most of your time is wasted running to the objective. On bigger maps you will find yourself running to the objective for a minute, then find the first enemy and die. I find this boring.
  7. I feel like you are focusing on the problem of blocking exits only. Granted, if people can't collide then this would solve that quite easily. But it solves a problem that normally shouldn't even be an issue. In return it creates a bunch of problems that affect gameplay - specifically any enemy activity near spawns. It would become a mess as a whole. Certainly nothing of the kind should be implemented any further than spawn area in any case.
  8. I think you need to see this from the admins perspective. You are very focused on SS meaning SuperSoldier - fair enough, it might also mean that. But how many people on the server will think it means SuperSoldier? I think the other SS might be a small bit more famous. You are playing a game involving nazis and your name is literally from Himmlers writings. Not to mention the Gametracker website for the SS-clan you posted (https://www.gametracker.com/clan/ssclan.tk/), has the clans icon being the actual Schutzstaffel logo. I'm sure you are not this oblivious.
  9. I understand that the way admins handled this leaves some room for improvement. I agree with you on that. However, it is not like you did any better. Instead of choosing something else as your name after getting kicked, you went with "shitheads". What did you think was gonna happen? On top of that, you have registered to the forum as "nigero". Not sure what it means but you can understand what it sounds like. Also, while unique usually means different that everything else, in this instance I think admins are looking for names that they can identify you under i.e. choosing a name that you stick with. qqqqqqqq sounds like a spam name. I'm sure admins will figure this out. Just be patient. Merry Christmas to all!
  10. Sebast1an


    Thank you. So abusing this script basically means standing still but moving just enough so that you don't get put to spec?
  11. Sebast1an


    Sorry for going offtopic but what is an auto spec script? What does it do?
  12. Imo gib would be better than freeze. Freeze will cause people to kill him and his complaints will get them kicked eventually. Plus gibbing is manageable even while playing - just spam it at spawntimes.
  13. If you want to solve this problem, then instead of debating it for weeks you should make decisions so he can't continue to be a menace. Any decision you do regarding giving more access to people, is in the right direction so don't be afraid to do it. And it is reversible so there really is no risk at all. Just remove peoples levels if they can't behave. It is still better than letting him roam free on the server. I suggest you give the kick, gib, freeze etc. to every TM member. To level 5 you could give the freeze and gib. And when this problem stops being a problem, reverse it back.
  14. Give level 5 (friend) the kick command, simpler solution. Allow them to only kick cheaters so anything else is considered abuse. Abusing -> back to 0.
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