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FrenchPie last won the day on September 26 2023

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  1. Before to read your 2 last posts, I though that you were a "good boy" who did some mistakes. Now I'm close to think that you're someone who use irony to justify that he don't care about rules and who'll never change. I hope I'm wrong, but to be very frank, I'll keep a close eye to you. 😉
  2. No for me too. Same reasons as above.
  3. Bye Knardo. It's sometimes better to make a break when you go through bad times. I appreciated playing with you and this farewell message is indeed the proof that you're a nice guy. I wish you the best. Feel free to come back one day if you want.
  4. I wonder if you can sleep on a car, and in a girl... 🤔
  5. Well... Even if I someone triggers me like that, I can be rude, but not in that way. If we consider the chronology: At first the discussion was between Lost and rimseycat23. Syndykator joins the discussion after rimseycat23 said "I'm Jewish". He said "It's not hate, just no respect" and "I only respect humans" Then he says "You are Khazar". As far as I know, the Khazars would be descended for at least part from the lost tribes of Israel. Later, he writes "Hahahaha" and "this jewee". I fully agree rimseycat permanent ban, but whatever this stupid guy said, syndicator talk is not acceptable either. In France, he could be brought to justice for that That's the reason why I would ban him also.
  6. I guess that we could also ban the guy who said "It's not hate, just no respect" and "I only respect humans"... Meaning Jewish are not humans. I can't see his name on my phone but such talk was unacceptable and did not low down the problem IMO. 🤔
  7. FrenchPie


    First time I visited for real the Mount Saint Michel, in Normandy I had the feeling I knew very well the place because I played many timed the ET map. It was really amazing! 😲
  8. Welcome mate. Keep in mind that you ALREADY ARE in your deadly 30th year 😉
  9. I fully agree we don't play enough large maps and I miss it. But I even if we had more, I doubt people will vote for it because we already have some, such as capuzzo, which is never selected. Probably because they prefer little messy battlefields.
  10. 100% agree with the fact that we always play the same maps so we must change the voting system. I'm not sure your proposal is easily understandable by the players, but is the only way to get more diversity, let's try it.
  11. Sorry guys, I'm on holiday and afk the whole week. 😢 Enjoy this event.
  12. WTF! Too bad, I'm also on holiday trip this day. 😭 I wish you a nice game.
  13. Any solution to make SK rules easier to catch is welcome, and this one seems a good one.
  14. Thanks a lot for this nice artwork! I was lucky, I found my name quite fast. 😋 Happy anniversary to this nice community.
  15. Maybe disable med packs an link the regeneration to medic activity. No medic packs provided to teammates or no syringe, no regeneration. 😋 BTW, is there a limited number of syringe in the current conf?
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