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Everything posted by ralvek

  1. lets go PENGUINS - im a pittsburg fan personally ^^
  2. I know stumpel m8 - whos your fav hockey team ?
  3. ""EDIT: Yes i edit, I gather thoughts. Not use curse and such words. Two questions though. If I am as you describe me, why am i not banned? Been playing for months., Second, when i am killing you, you are cursing at me here too, demo too, so if i should go to beginner server, where should you? Let's keep it cool. Leave each other alone i think. You play, I play whatever class i want and i obey the rules as i did so far, obviously i got warning in the past who didnt when 28vs28, let's no gibberish talk... so boring.. stop bothering me I don't want to deal with this I just want to play, I did no crime or break rule, I don't talk about you all time like ":fuk off" and the things you wrote in the demo. You play your game, I play mine, period. I dont see how that is unreasonable to you. We can keep going on with this forvever,,, what do you want me to say ? Apologize for someting i did not do? Apologize for taking a class? Apologize for a weapon? Please end this both of us here for good, please... I just want to play. If other admin want to ban me because of those demos that they see proof and feel I should be banned then ban me. If you do, I might appeal here as well, but again arent you bored of this.... I am.. Why is it only with you? No other admin complain aobut me. NO other. Only you. Even I am good with some of them almost good acquantinces. Just stop here and play the game men.. and yes I edit because i can't reply to you otherdwise. I am no longer looking at this topic. If other admins agree with you, let it be i hope it make you happy. But everything you claim about me, you overexagerate, and twist it, or simply lie. And you also hide-command put me spec for no reason, I was using mg again even on your team, i didn't record that game... but every time i see your name i start recording from now on, uinless you stop this monkey donkey thing because you hate my mg. It is a fair weapon, I use it, I killed you several times, I dont apologise for that and for any claims that you told about me in games, they are not true."" Brilliant You came here, started the topic, now you want me to 'just leave you alone'. Wow. Honestly, troll. Your on the server every day and ppl are telling you to fuck off for team bleeding, or ruinning the play, or blocking ur team, or aiming your mg at dyan we need to defuse, the list goes on. You have been asked to stop it, and ytou persist. You dont get to come to our forum, try cause a ruckus, then tell me, or dictate what happens next. Record all you like, you wont be the first, and u won't be the last. Tow the fucking line on the server, and u wont have any issues with me. I dont look for shit, it finds its way to the surface. Your just a troll. You said in one reply I was X player now Im Y player. Make up your mind. Your two little demos don't exonerate you, we dont need demos, we're aware that your disruptive already. We're not as thick as you like to think. I put my time and effort in to keep the server going, as do all members, and yes were there to play a game. So play it. Dont troll it. Your an adult, ruining a game, and when told off for it, you come crying for explanations and making complaints, wasting more time, where is our explanationas to why you keep ruining our the matches and then think its OK to turn up the next time? @StumpelIm sure you have misunderstood the context, this isnt a complaint about SK. Player is daily trolling server, making bad plays, ruining it for his team 90% of the time. They already know.
  4. I see you editted your post and added a lot. it's a shame that it's bothering you so much, if i'm too good player why not take my advice instead of playing badly, if you continue this route, it won't end well. Ive obeserved chat periodically today and I can grab at least 5 examples of you being complained about by your team for impacting them negativley. Take the hint. Then I saw you remain spec until the last minute of Missile, I knew you'd join axis last minute (SR Doesnt work that way). Your not coming to the server to join in the game, your coming to troll and disrupt the game. That spec slot you sat in, coulda been used by someone who wants to play. That MG u are shooting ur team with, and making 10 legit frags in a 20 minutes - could be used by someone who knows it better. Youve occupied the server since about 11am today, and hogged that class. Keep demanding stuff from other admins, im sure they'll speed up for you. Fuck off m8.
  5. "I would like" we would like you to follow our server rules and stop trolling - the diffrence is we have a legimaticay to our wants. Your on the other hand, don't. Your a guest in our game. You, and every other one that comes here complaining, waste more time trolling, you troll the server you troll the discord, you troll our forum, your wasting our time and now 'you would like' to waste some other of my mates time? Btw I see you went straigt back on the server, MG'd up, and your team mates are complaining about you still. Team bleeding / killing is against our rules too. The TK script is not some target for you to play towards. Instead of feeling like you have the right to come into our game, and start fucking around, why not take some of the many advices offered by your team so that you can improve and become a valuable player? Honestly feel like maybe you should go to the beginners server - and im not being factecious.
  6. Dont come on TM server act like a cunt then get upset when its pointed out. You know fine well what your doing. The axis team was weaker, a lot, and u chose to take MG in allies, and camp their spawn. For a start spawn camping isnt allowed on our servers. Its not about wether I agree with your playstayle, you have no playstyle, you are not playing, ET is a team based objective game. How does you camping on 3 or 4 inexp players at spawn (it was 5o4 or 6o5?) breaking our rules help? Why do you think we need to care about your feelings. Your so thick, that u dont even realise, I called Mike fatty, cause he was eatin'. Your can clearly see that from the conext. Your deluded. I did call you low scum for trolling, I gave you an oppertunity to play normally and get with it - then I saw ur firing ur MG again, into the spawn area, I allowed the equivalent of a few spawns to pass, And I still saw u there, camping spawn. its not permitted. Neither is trolling. We dont care if your a dentist, go do some work, your giving us toothache. Ive also got various demos from players (im just not pety like you) of u kniving them for not reviving fast enough. etc. We dont owe you something, playing on our server is not a god given right - if you act the way you act, expect to be disliked and excluded. Why does the sense of deceny leave on line?, if u came down to 5 a sides football and started acting like you do, youd be told to fuck right off. Get a grip
  7. Ive got a lovely capture of jess getting knived by EBO, of all players. For the newsletter. Not that I wanna change the subject.
  8. Mate wind ur neck in and go have a beer its saturday night n here you are lodging a complaint to a gaming group cause u got told u cant play for 15 mins - u even spent time analysing shit to bring evidence, do you think that any in case, we're gonna find your arguement in favour of our mates? N what u on about legal action, youll get laughed out the door for even suggesting it, even my wife laughed at that. Just shut up, n play m8, dont cause urself trouble, whats the point - yer no gonna win. Reality check, mate. That was a chess term.
  9. Quite obviously aware - no one can be that ignorant to make two connections like that coincidentally.
  10. Dont disageee, actually I think it would be most wise to diasble the ability to syringe team mates before death as it contradicts the game mechanic of using a revive to avoid a gib. Or at least half or 3rd it.
  11. ralvek


    +1 community small enuff
  12. Must have read Hafers 'How to guide'. *personal statement
  13. Did u accept the pic?
  14. Freeze is a good idea, most annoying
  15. Good move, as long as it doesnt get abused. Some folk are a bit unhinged. Maybe set up a new level, like a hall monitor that way u can put trusted ppl in it, and remove etc. And give that level the !kick idk.
  16. tl;dr?
  17. put ui_disableossfilter 1 into console
  18. It doesnt like ur driver / x server for whatever reason. Just use the one that works mate
  19. prolly u have some missing 32b libs (dependancies) ls -al /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libSDL2-2.0.so : /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libSDL2-2.0.so -> libSDL2-2.0.so.0
  20. Try 64bit binary
  21. ralvek

    Robert Plant

    A sex thing
  22. Why name ur self after a cheat then be surprised u got a ban, seems moronic
  23. ralvek


    box is in wrong place, new version? real textures look good
  24. It's already good, just needs to be populated imo, I prefer the smaller game play personally so would connect to etl2 over etl1 anytime there is players on it. But its annoying when u join cause u saw 4 players online at server browser then they're all spec and afk..... The caliber of players seems to a bit higher, usually the higher xp players. Might be worth utilising that in the name of the server somehow to attract competitive style players.... It would be good to take some of the bubble wrap away, and open up some reasonable voting options. For example, if we have 6 players on, it's nicer to play 3o3 instead of having those 2 extra bots. Be nice to vote them off without having to ask uncle sty to help.
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