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Everything posted by ralvek

  1. That's well cool is yolo innit
  2. I only use it against spawn killing actions, I would imagine you experience this le technique of mine, often. Supporting_evidence_yolo_spawnKilling.dm_84
  3. I didnt read this whole thread..... This happened to me bcoz NVIDIA application uses alt+z to put the overlay thing on and off while gaming. I removed that hotkey short cut from the NVIDIA experience app and it worked. If the keys are already assigned, crapolio! Also this is the best minimizer around.
  4. What aimbot do you recommend papo? what was the best you tried? 😜
  5. nice sig charlie
  6. cg_crosshairsize 20 improves aim
  7. increase spawn protection time is a solution - if they shoot they loose it. And its game on.
  8. 99 views now boyo
  9. .
  10. .
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