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About Thomas

  • Birthday 03/23/1998

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    football ,W:ET, tv, movies: LOTR, HP (look @ signatures :D) music, WILLEM II

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  1. Hey mackaaaa!! Great memories on playing with you in italy really liked that map with all the jaymod TM members!!!!!!!
  2. Just had an awesome 3vs4 + bots on beginners! :dancing:

  3. Jup forgot that I still had one
  4. It really was awesome charlie really missed you guys a lot! Spent so much time on that server Everyday at least 15 vs 15 :,) How is the 'et population' (lol) on pub on a normal day?
  5. Accidentally oops :$ remember you too! Panzer queen! Are the servers still crowded?
  6. Hey star!!!!! Missed you man! Still playing? Server still crowded?
  7. Hey guys I'm Thomas. I was a member of TM back in 2013 I believe. Dont know if ppl remember me. Most of the time i spent on the Beginners/jaymod server (RIP) Thinking of returning to W:ET... Sooo... is TM still quite alive as it used to be? How are the servers? When is the best time to play and on which server? Etc etc. Ps drop your best memory from the old jaymod server below
  8. Hey guys I'm Thomas. I was a member of TM back in 2013 I believe. Dont know if ppl remember me. Most of the time i spent on the Beginners/jaymod server (RIP) Thinking of returning to W:ET... Sooo... is TM still quite alive as it used to be? How are the servers? When is the best time to play and on which server? Etc etc. Ps drop your best memory from the old jaymod server below
  9. sounds real fun and i think it's a great initiative! Too bad i cant be there have fun everyone!
  10. Thomas

    It's time

    Very surprised about this! But thanks for all the hard work you both have done for all of us we all love you! Goodbye and good luck in the future take care!
  11. im back in business B)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Thomas


      ah sosa u left your pants at the toilets lol uhm star pretty weird to order food in a toilet?

    3. Alistar


      Old good Thomas is back

    4. Thomas
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