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Posts posted by MiniMuppet

  1. had strange 999 people crashing again, could be people need to delete the 2 new versions we put in?

    I also crashed twice to desktop and the second time i got this error CL-PARSESERVER Message Illegible server message 199

    Also still had bug of staring at the sky but only seemed to effect me

    WARNING: bad command byte for client 31 WARNING: bad command byte for client 31 WARNING: bad command byte for client 31 WARNING: bad command byte for client 31 WARNING: bad command byte for client 31 WARNING: bad command byte for client 31 WARNING: bad command byte for client 31 WARNING: bad command byte for client 31

    in console again.

  2. goldrush should be 

    set g_useraxisrespawntime 25 
    set g_useralliedrespawntime 12

    Bremen should be 

    set g_useraxisrespawntime 16 
    set g_useralliedrespawntime 12

    Was the map before each the same map? was this after a crash? Everything looks ok server side let us know if it happens today.

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