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Posts posted by MiniMuppet

  1. Another update as been added like before any issues please post here or report to etlegacy https://www.etlegacy.com/

    changes below


    Fixed multiple map votes possible by reconnecting in intermission
    Fixed mapvote tally display when connecting while in intermission
    Fixed missing default cvars configs
    Added popup messages filter
    Reworked airstrike and artillery per-minute limitations
    Renamed team_airstrikeTime/team_artyTime to team_maxAirtrike/team_maxArtillery (no more time based, but value per minutes)
    Removed g_misc 4 option to combine team_airstrikeTime and team_artyTime
    Renamed team_maxMg42s/maxPanzers to generic team_maxMachineguns/team_maxRockets
    Fixed cg_tracers 3
    Added power icon colours to show airtrike and artillery availability
    Removed dynamite tick sound and pulse icon
    Improved server browser filter ergonomy
    Fixed in-game UI favorite button to allow to remove favorite
    Fixed server browser sort would alternate when opening Play Online again
    Fixed prone hitbox height (was twice as high as desired!)
    Added slightly lower hitbox when crouching in idle position
    Improved debug hitbox code
    Fixed team spawn counter is visible in limbo panel when player has not joined team
    Added genericity for impact mark/sound and make them customizable by surface from weapon file
    Improved weapon file parser for sound ressources
    Added back water impact effect for missile (was unused)
    Increased size of wounded hitbox for syringe
    Increased compass size on alternate huds
    Fixed rank display on alternate huds
    Added popup filter for promotion upgrades
    Removed g_misc 32 option "loose spawn protection" (use the Lua script instead)
    Fixed fireteam health color indicator was not in sync with healthbar color


  2. When we first make the legacy server people were asking for xp save, we tried the lua's but they had to many bugs. The only way was to give them all the levels and the server got more poplar. Its very hard in one map to get skills/level and people have different skills, i think if we remove these now we would do more harm to the server then good. We can tweak the setting but i don't think we would remove the levels.

    • Like 3
  3. We have uploaded another update changes below

    • Fixed game log not always created on some platform (linux)
    • Added game time in server log
    • Fixed syringe ammo lost when used on a an alive teammate or a killed enemy
    • Removed g_misc 2 option "medic syringe heal" (use the Lua script instead)
    • Fixed tapout reinforcement timer color when spectating
    • Fixed allowed chat length longer than server side limit
    • Fixed command map objective and flag icons displayed above players icons
    • Added vote status indicator in debriefing in mapVote mode
    • Changed limbo health value from -75 to -113 for better gameplay balance
    • Fixed unwanted weapon switch after picking weapon
    • Fixed unwanted grenade switch while leaning after swapping weapon
    • Fixed weird menu overlapping issues, mostly noticeable with customized menus
    • Fixed cg_teamChatsOnly filters Fireteam chat too
    • Fixed "throw" command only used throw flighing type. (fling, throw and launch available)
    • Fixed respawn delayed and could be missed despite no death animation were being played
    • Fixed latched cvars not being able to be changed immediately by the server leading to various game management issues
    • Added in-game team selection menu
    • Added cg_announcer to toggle announcer voice on map start
    • Removed weird flying nade sound (sound backend issue)

    Please report any issues to us or the Etlegacy Team https://dev.etlegacy.com

  4. Spoiler

    name             = erdenberg_t1
    times_played     = 95
    last_played      = 2
    total_votes      = 2134
    vote_eligible    = 2341

    name             = sp_delivery_te
    times_played     = 241
    last_played      = 7
    total_votes      = 3802
    vote_eligible    = 1489

    name             = supply
    times_played     = 519
    last_played      = 16
    total_votes      = 3840
    vote_eligible    = 583

    name             = warbell
    times_played     = 43
    last_played      = 54
    total_votes      = 1177
    vote_eligible    = 1217

    name             = caen2
    times_played     = 166
    last_played      = 10
    total_votes      = 3643
    vote_eligible    = 1957

    name             = sw_goldrush_te
    times_played     = 276
    last_played      = 12
    total_votes      = 4201
    vote_eligible    = 1305

    name             = adlernest
    times_played     = 512
    last_played      = 1
    total_votes      = 3661
    vote_eligible    = 651

    name             = tc_base
    times_played     = 100
    last_played      = 13
    total_votes      = 2252
    vote_eligible    = 2245

    name             = et_ice
    times_played     = 52
    last_played      = 21
    total_votes      = 1535
    vote_eligible    = 2575

    name             = sw_battery
    times_played     = 98
    last_played      = 12
    total_votes      = 2006
    vote_eligible    = 768

    name             = et_mor2_night_final
    times_played     = 55
    last_played      = 20
    total_votes      = 2060
    vote_eligible    = 2961

    name             = sw_oasis_b3
    times_played     = 216
    last_played      = 9
    total_votes      = 4338
    vote_eligible    = 1724

    name             = radar
    times_played     = 174
    last_played      = 6
    total_votes      = 3841
    vote_eligible    = 1918

    name             = pirates
    times_played     = 172
    last_played      = 11
    total_votes      = 3178
    vote_eligible    = 1966

    name             = axislab_final
    times_played     = 55
    last_played      = 21
    total_votes      = 1996
    vote_eligible    = 2259

    name             = braundorf_final
    times_played     = 193
    last_played      = 3
    total_votes      = 3474
    vote_eligible    = 1808

    name             = teuthonia_final
    times_played     = 59
    last_played      = 25
    total_votes      = 1736
    vote_eligible    = 2533

    name             = missile_b4
    times_played     = 38
    last_played      = 65
    total_votes      = 1476
    vote_eligible    = 2703

    name             = venice
    times_played     = 293
    last_played      = 17
    total_votes      = 3425
    vote_eligible    = 1560

    name             = bremen_final
    times_played     = 223
    last_played      = 5
    total_votes      = 3893
    vote_eligible    = 1589

    name             = cathedral_final
    times_played     = 37
    last_played      = 16
    total_votes      = 1148
    vote_eligible    = 1277

    name             = dubrovnik_final
    times_played     = 53
    last_played      = 28
    total_votes      = 1518
    vote_eligible    = 2573

    name             = fueldump
    times_played     = 454
    last_played      = 8
    total_votes      = 4268
    vote_eligible    = 948

    name             = reactor_final
    times_played     = 44
    last_played      = 21
    total_votes      = 1384
    vote_eligible    = 2643

    name             = etl_frostbite_v5
    times_played     = 159
    last_played      = 4
    total_votes      = 3148
    vote_eligible    = 2003

    name             = snatch3
    times_played     = 36
    last_played      = 26
    total_votes      = 862
    vote_eligible    = 743

    name             = et_beach
    times_played     = 140
    last_played      = 17
    total_votes      = 3069
    vote_eligible    = 2125

    name             = railgun
    times_played     = 121
    last_played      = 94
    total_votes      = 3408
    vote_eligible    = 2199

    name             = school
    times_played     = 84
    last_played      = 30
    total_votes      = 2027
    vote_eligible    = 2043

    name             = goldrush
    times_played     = 507
    last_played      = 13
    total_votes      = 3890
    vote_eligible    = 799

    maps info from server

    please read before suggesting maps

  5. Spyhawk as given us another version to fix some of the issues from the lat update.

    This is mostly bufixes. The airstrike/artillery missing on some maps should now be fixed. Weapon prediction has been fixed and this should finally take care of the weapon switching bug. A couple of other minor fixes, like the enemy shields wrongly displayed on the scoreboard. New feature included is an team objective indicator, which should improve situation awareness on some objective-oriented maps.

    Please report any issues that may appear 

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