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Posts posted by MiniMuppet

  1. Thanks to Bystry and Dmxj we now have a active Etpro public server. 

    Everyone is welcome come give it a try.


    We also have a active Etlegacy server


    If you prefer nitmod you can also try this server out


    You can also find us in discord

    Teammuppet -https://discord.gg/tzK2KVX 

    We also have this website where you can post for any help you may need :)

    • Like 4
  2. yes i know what your talking about and its some bug which we have no idea why it does it randomly.

    If we change the maps then at least they won't have to play fueldump or railgun and we can make them small maps. These maps have to be already on the server though.

  3. The reason why we remove the next map vote people use to vote for this if they didn't like the map which won and ofc most people would vote without reading so the map would move on. Even if you have the nextmap vote there is only 6 default maps in the map cycle so you will still end up playing the original maps. Unless Eagle want to change the maps in this cycle and ofc if he wants to add this back or just add different maps may be the way forward.

  4. The problem when we allow it people end up rushing map and this leads to the server getting empty even faster then it already does and we are finding it hard already to keep the server active. I really think this wouldn't be a good idea.

    The wall on beach as fare as im concerned should not be jumped by anyone whether they are going for objective or not.

  5. Why do you keep going on about braundorf?  If someone trickjump in the window that would not be allowed but a cvop could take eng all the way round to build it without blowing any door.

    We could change the rule and say no trick jumping or boosting allowed. Would this make it easier? Would it make it more work to watch everyone on the server? 

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