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Posts posted by MiniMuppet

  1. As some have experienced the ETPro public server kicks some players which do connect to it. When this happens there can be a couple of solutions (or all of them ofcourse).


    • First of all players need to be sure that they have punkbuster installed and up-to-date. To be sure that you have the correct version of this, download the following file and replace it with the excisting ones: Click


    • Second, you need to be sure that your punkbuster is activated. You can do this by opening your console and type: /pb_cl_enable , then press enter


    • If you have done all the steps above and you are still unable to connect to the server, make sure that your etmain folder has an erkey. This needs to be an old one generated by punkbuster (so not he ones which are given by ET mods). If you don't have one, than you need to go to this etkey.org and get an etkey from there. Scroll down a bit and it shows how to get it working (where to put it) for the different types of OS.


    • Make sure you are always running ET as administrator and for the people using Win7/Win8, select the XP servicepack3 in the compatibility tab.


    We hope that this helped you out. If none of these solutions work, please come to the chat so that we might be able to figure out the problem with you.

    Happy fragging!

  2. The different between mortar and panzer and flammer, you see them coming you can't see the mortar, you can also shoot at them. Yes smurfer you can send someone behind  to kill him by the time you find if you find him the game is over because axis can't get in to the gun. 


    I think the mortar on the flag on oasis is more of a problem than at the gun this we shouldn't allowed, there is no way out so how can you go and kill him?

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